christian-schlichtherle / scala-plus   0.3

Apache License 2.0 GitHub

A collection of utilities for Scala code.

Scala versions: 2.12 2.11 2.10

Build Status Release Notes Scala 2.10 Scala 2.11 Scala 2.12 Apache License 2.0


Scala+ is a collection of utilities for Scala code. It is cross-built for Scala 2.10, 2.11 and 2.12.

How to use

To add it as a dependency, use the following coordinates:

libraryDependencies += "global.namespace.scala-plus" %% "scala-plus" % "<version>"

For a valid version number, see releases.

How to build and test

sbt +test

How to publish

First, edit the value of the setting key version in build.sbt to make sure that it does not end with -SNAPSHOT.

Second, make sure the credentials are configured in ~/.sbt/0.13/*.sbt and run

sbt +publishSigned

Third, tag the commit with scala-plus-<version> where <version> is the value of the setting key version.

Fourth, increment the value of the setting key version to the next semantic version number and append -SNAPSHOT again.

Finally, browse to OSS Nexus Repository Manager, find the staging repository, close and release it.