A port of the ForkJoinPool JSR-166 implementation used in Scala 2.11.x for usage in Scala 2.12
A Creative Scala theme for Laika. HTML only.
rx-java2 wrapper for subprocess execution - Support java.lang.Process and com.zaxxer.nuprocess.NuProcess
Parse and write json the functional way
Scala.js facade for Pixi.js
End-end tests for Optic's SDKs and API Ingestion workflow
Immutable Json library for java
Schema for a content atom
pimp commons-codec adding zbase32 class
An sbt plugin for JFlex and Jacc
Refinement types for regex
Roll20 Sheet Framework in Scala
A Scala wrapper of jsoup
Additional traits to complement the Smithy.io spec
Deterministically produce dummy data for use in stubs
Slinky wrappers
Sanscript ported to Java
Scala adaptation of the JTransforms FFT library originally written in Java. Mirror of https://codeberg.org/sciss/Transform4s