A cron dsl to be used anywhere and everywhere.
A simple vector maths library for graphics programming.
A sbt plugin which reads project definitions from pom.xml
Castle core library
A Library for generating row based test data
Inflatable Raft - A Scala based PnP leader election library for use in AWS
Simulates a Datadog agent. Useful for tests.
Liquibase plugin for play framework 2.1
A Scala wrapper around Apache Curator to make it non-blocking and Scala friendly
Helper to create enums out of a 'sealed trait' and some 'case object's
Scala Entity Component System
Spray server for dynamic, fake REST data
This is the set of traits that all Castle Committers must implement
Wraps the Google Spreadsheet API (v3) for simpler consumption from Scala
An iterator-like collection library for doing Bing queries in Scala.
Utilities for representing genomic loci and reference-genomes
General (non-omics) code used across BDG products. Apache 2 licensed.
Scala Command-Line Interface Tools