Contributing Search
All the projects below have beginner-friendly issues which are great places to start contributing
skema morphisms
- #485 - Scala 3 support
- #343 - Remove `scala.jdk.CollectionConverters` from skeuomorph once the avrohugger migration has been completed
- #338 - BinaryF is incorrectly represented as List[Boolean]
- #323 - support avro logical type?
- #303 - Unexpected behavior? - OpenAPIParser
- #277 - OpenApiSchemaSpec flaky test
Contributing Guide Code of Conduct -
Compatibility checks for your dependencies
- #229 - `versionPolicyReportDependencyIssues` requires `versionPolicyIntention` to be set
- #217 - False positive dependency error when upgrading to Scala 2.13.15 from 2.13.14
- #208 - Runtime dependency reported as missing
- #205 - Long loading time on multi-project
- #204 - TASTy-MiMa integration
- #200 - Shouldn't releaseVersion always be ReleaseVersion.fromCompatibility(BinaryAndSourceCompatible) for sbt-release?
Contributing Guide Code of Conduct -
Populate Case Classes From Any Data Source
- #42 - data source link on microsite returns a 404
- #3 - Investigate support for batch resolution from datasources
Contributing Guide Code of Conduct -
Asynchronous data type with typed errors.
- #209 - Use more accurate runloop filter in stack traces
- #113 - Initial Documentation
- #68 - Cats instances should not require lazy val
Contributing Guide Code of Conduct -
Open, Multi-modal Catalog for Data & AI
- #883 - Build error: "java.lang.RuntimeException: Version update script failed with exit code 127"
- #882 - Images are not visible in file
- #879 - Log4j 2.23.1 vulnerability
- #877 - [Question] - Connecting Legacy HMS Workloads to Open Source Unity Catalog
- #874 - Connect to OSS Unity Catalog from Databricks
- #868 - [UI] Support for specifying the default package manager in package.json using corepack.
Contributing Guide Code of Conduct -
A fork of uPickle, shaded for backwards and forwards compatibility.
- #124 - Custom type serialization with `bimap()` error
- #118 - Denial of service when parsing a JSON object with an unexpected field that has a big number
- #117 - Setting `StreamReadFeature.USE_FAST_DOUBLE_PARSER` doesn't increase parsing throughput
- #65 - Add annotation to omit discriminator for sealed hierarchies
- #51 - `macroFromTo` should cope with type-parameter fields
- #32 - Macro expansion error for companion object with implicit `macroFromTo`
Contributing Guide Code of Conduct -
Schema-first, boilerplate-free, type-safe access to configuration properties in Java and Scala
- #318 - Complete revision of schema model and code generation
- #316 - Allow map type
- #287 - Workflow for publishing
- #66 - Base class shouldn't necessarily be abstract
- #61 - Default value for List type
- #51 - Proper schema syntax
Contributing Guide Code of Conduct -
Lightbend Emoji library — a wrapper around Java's Unicode character handling
Contributing Guide Code of Conduct -
An sbt plugin to create awesome microsites for your project
- #613 - Weird DirectoryNotEmptyException when running makeMicrosite
- #578 - Support customizing layout contents
- #550 - Update docs for GitHub Actions
- #543 - Enable search on small layouts
- #488 - windows character bug when running sbt
- #468 - Leverage library to do file I/O
Contributing Guide Code of Conduct -
Exercises based on the "Functional Programming in Scala" red book (
Contributing Guide Code of Conduct -
A Variant Caller, Distributed. Apache 2 licensed.
- #306 - Update ADAM dependency to 0.26.0
- #305 - Unable to locate file from biallelicGenotyper in jointer
- #303 - Read group dictionary contains multiple samples with identical read group names.
- #290 - distribution does not include the avocado jar files
- #286 - Write original genotype prior to joint genotyping
- #283 - Calling with Avocado using the "hive" range partitioned data
Contributing Guide Code of Conduct -
- #154 - Allow sealed interface
- #149 - Some generated code does not compile with -Xfatal-warnings
- #144 - Does Contraband Generated No-Arg Constructors for Java POJOs
- #130 - use "boxed type".hashCode(value) instead of "boxed type".valueOf(value).hashCode()
- #115 - maven plugin
- #105 - Support for rudimentary optics
Contributing Guide Code of Conduct -
A fuzzy matching string distance library for Scala and Java that includes Levenshtein distance, Jaro distance, Jaro-Winkler distance, Dice coefficient, N-Gram similarity, Cosine similarity, Jaccard similarity, Longest common subsequence, Hamming distance, and more..
- #72 - is thread-safe or not?
- #63 - Upgrade to Scala 3
- #57 - Add new phonetic similarity: Double Metaphone
- #52 - Add a
- #35 - Add Junit dependency and tests around .util Java wrapper package
- #34 - Update documentation for package: com.github.vickumar1981.stringdistance.util
Contributing Guide Code of Conductdice-coefficient soundex-algorithm fuzzy-matching jaccard jaro-distance cosine-similarity-scores string-similarity jaro-winkler hamming-distance jaro-winkler-distance jaro soundex sorensen-dice-distance hacktoberfest levenshtein cosine-similarity jaccard-similarity ngram longest-common-subsequence levenshtein-distance -
Declarative text based tool for data analysts and engineers to extract, load, transform and orchestrate their data pipelines.
- #1168 - [BUG] - Starlake transform commands fail with MotherDuck as target DWH
- #967 - [FEATURE] - Add CLI assertion for tables
- #961 - [FEATURE] - Add GCP PubSub datasource/sink to read/write data (the way the Apache Kafka datasource is already handled)
- #944 - [FEATURE] - allow archiving on different bucket
- #925 - [FEATURE] - take into account integer type within xls template while exporting using excel format
- #904 - [FEATURE] - Use types (including user defined one) in order to define attribute's type for timestamps and date
Contributing Guide Code of Conduct -
Idiomatic Scala API for Deadbolt 2
- #62 - Enable/aggregate `test-app-route-comments` project again (?)
- #59 - Consolidate all test applications into a single test app.
- #58 - An Example of Dynamic Handler in Scala and andThen combinator
- #49 - DeadboltActions not working
- #43 - Action composition not working.
- #38 - not found: value restrict
Contributing Guide Code of Conduct -
Implementation of the Debug Adapter Protocol for Scala
- #804 - IOException: Is a directory when evaluating expression
- #780 - StackTraceRequest is very slow after version 4.0.2
- #747 - Warning causing evaluation to fail
- #710 - Load classpath only once
- #695 - Add step filter configuration
- #663 - Expr evaluator in Java file: throws ClassNotFoundException: pack.ExpressionXYZ
Contributing Guide Code of Conduct -
A set of connectors for Monix. 🔛
- #962 - All APIs should be lazy
- #774 - Feature: uploads file the s3 api.
- #676 - Scala 3 support
- #673 - Fix redis flaky test
- #668 - Add offset argument to `downloadMultipart` method
- #652 - monix-redis 0.6.0-RC-1 dependent on scalapb
Contributing Guide Code of Conduct -
Scala 3 to GLSL transpiler library
- #127 - Can we remove the need for function proxies?
- #124 - Improve import support
- #120 - Add support for opaque types
- #119 - Allow nested named functions
- #117 - Ultraviolet Giter8 template
- #115 - Bug: Deeply nested if statements do not work correctly
Contributing Guide Code of Conduct