seancheatham / akka-persistence-firebase   0.0.2


A journal plugin for Akka Persistence, backed by Firebase

Scala versions: 2.11

A journal plugin for Akka Persistence, backed by Firebase

Build Status


Use this library/plugin in your Akka architecture to provide persistence backed by Firebase. If your system already leverages Firebase in your stack, then using it as a journal/snapshot mechanism is quite convenient.

Under the hood, this library uses my other scala-storage library to interface with Firebase. As such, the real meat and potatoes of this Akka Journal exists over there; this is merely a simple wrapper for it.


This library is written in Scala. It might interoperate with other JVM languages, but I make no guarantees.

This library uses Typesafe's Play JSON library for serialization of content. I hope to support other mechanisms at some point.

Include the library in your project.

In your build.sbt: libraryDependencies += "com.seancheatham" %% "firebase-persistence" % "0.0.2"

Update your application.conf``

akka {
    persistence {
        journal.plugin = "firebase-journal"
        snapshot-store.plugin = "firebase-snapshot-store"
firebase-journal {
    class = "com.seancheatham.akka.persistence.FirebaseJournal"
    firebase {
        url = ""
        service_account_key_location = "/path/to/service/account/key.json"

firebase-snapshot-store {
    class = "com.seancheatham.akka.persistence.FirebaseSnapshotStore"
    firebase {
        url = ""
        service_account_key_location = "/path/to/service/account/key.json"
    // Optional - base path within your Firebase Database to use as the journal storage
    base_key_path = "infrastructure/akka/persistence"