Common Scala service/server layer components and utils.
val scommonsApiVer = "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"
val scommonsServiceVer = "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
// shared
"org.scommons.api" %%% "scommons-api-core" % scommonsApiVer,
"org.scommons.api" %%% "scommons-api-joda-time" % scommonsApiVer,
// server/jvm only
"org.scommons.service" %% "scommons-service-play" % scommonsServiceVer,
"org.scommons.service" %% "scommons-service-dao" % scommonsServiceVer,
"org.scommons.service" %% "scommons-service-util" % scommonsServiceVer,
"org.scommons.service" %% "scommons-service-test" % scommonsServiceVer % "test",
"org.scommons.api" %% "scommons-api-play-ws" % scommonsApiVer % "test"
version is published to Sonatype Repo, just make sure you added
the proper dependency resolver to your build.sbt
resolvers += "Sonatype Snapshots" at ""
To build and run all the tests use the following command:
sbt clean test