scf37 / sbt-build-properties   1.0.8

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sbt-build-properties plugin

Scala versions: 2.12
sbt plugins: 1.0

sbt-build-properties plugin

This plugin creates build.properites at target classpath with basic information about the build: artefact name and version, build time, git revision, git origin url, last few commits.

Why another build conf plugin?

  • Written properties should be readable by external tools/naked eyes
  • Written properties should be configurable


Add this to project/plugins.sbt

addSbtPlugin("me.scf37.buildprops" % "sbt-build-properties" % "1.0.8")

Then, add this setting to project you want to write to:

Compile / resourceGenerators += buildProperties

To change set of properties written, override buildPropertiesSource task. To change target file name, override buildPropertiesTarget setting.