sameerparekh / holidays   0.1.1


Scala library for computing holidays

Scala versions: 2.12


Build Status Maven Central

A simple library to check if a date is a holiday.


Add the following to your sbt build (Scala 2.12.x):

libraryDependencies += "com.github.sameerparekh" %% "holidays" % "0.1.1"


  • Import the library.
  • Configure an implicit holiday list (HolidayList)
  • Check your LocalDate to see if it is a holiday.
import com.github.sameerparekh.holidays._
import org.joda.time.LocalDate

implicit val holidayList: HolidayList = USAFederalHolidays

println {
  if ( "Today is a holiday" 
  else "Today is not a holiday"


Pull requests welcome.

Add a holiday

  • Create a new instance of a HolidayFromYear, which is a function from a year to a LocalDate. A number of helper functions are available.

Add a new holiday list

  • Create a new instance of a HolidayList, which is a set of HolidayFromYear.