saikocat / sbt-fork-test-by-annotation-plugin   0.1.0

MIT License GitHub

A sbt plugin to provide curried function to filter test marked with specific annotations and fork them

Scala versions: 2.10
sbt plugins: 0.13


A sbt plugin to provide curried function to filter test marked with specific annotations and fork them


For sbt 0.13.6+ add sbt-assembly as a dependency in project/plugins.sbt. Once it is accepted in sbt-plugin-releases, we can skip the resolver portion

resolvers += Resolver.url("ForkTestByAnnotationRepo",

addSbtPlugin("com.saikocat" % "sbt-fork-test-by-annotation-plugin" % "0.1.0")


In build.sbt or Build.scala

import com.saikocat.sbtplugin.ForkTestByAnnotationPlugin._

// Define a task key to find tests to fork
lazy val testsAnnotatedWithRequiresSpark: TaskKey[Seq[String]] =
  taskKey[Seq[String]]("Returns list of FQCNs of tests annotated with RequiresSpark")

testsAnnotatedWithRequiresSpark := {
  val analysis = (compile in Test).value

  // Define a filter function that will match a predicate
  // Full qualified path is required
  // e.g: for a list of tags filtering
  // List("tags.RequiresSpark", "tags.RequiresHive").contains(annotationFullName)
  def filterDefinition(annotationFullName: String): Boolean = {
    annotationFullName == "tags.RequiresSpark"

  // Filter the Tests Definition
  def isAnnotatedWithRequiresSpark(definition: xsbti.api.Definition): Boolean = {

  // Trigger the source filtering

// Group the tests to non-forks and forks
// Here you can define the fork options as well
testGrouping in Test <<= (definedTests in Test, testsAnnotatedWithRequiresSpark)
  .map { (testDefs, testsToFork) =>
      testDefs, testsToFork,
      new sbt.ForkOptions(runJVMOptions = Seq(s"-Dgroup.prefix=someProp")))

Imported Functions Signature:

def isAnnotatedWith(definition: Definition)
                   (annotationFilterFn: String => Boolean): Boolean

def sourcesAnnotatedWith(analysis: Analysis)
                        (annotatedWithFn: Definition => Boolean): Seq[String] 

def groupTestsToInProcessAndForkedJvm(testDefs: Seq[TestDefinition],
                                      testsToFork: Seq[String],
                                      forkOptions: ForkOptions = ForkOptions()): Seq[Group]


This project took a huge inspiration from this article SBT: Group annotated tests to run in forked JVMs

Sweetness that was absent in the article:

  • Fully curried functions for any kind of source filtering
  • Support fully qualified annotation class name to avoid class name conflict
  • Configurable ForkOptions
  • Tested (see sbt-test folder)
  • Shareable with other projects (plugin itself)


Published under The MIT License, see LICENSE