Validator is a Validation library for Scala.
You can just add the following to your build.
libraryDependencies += "com.github.ryoppy" %% "validator-core" % "0.0.1"
import validator._
case class Foo(a: String, b: Int)
val v1: Validation[Foo] = Validation(
string("a") is minLength(1) and maxLength(10),
int("b") is between(1, 3)
val result = validate(Map("a" -> "A", "b" -> "1"), v1)
assert(result == ValidationSuccess(Foo("A", 1)))
val result2 = validate(Map("a" -> "A", "b" -> "0"), v1)
assert(result2 == ValidationFailure("b" -> Seq(ValidationError("between", Seq("1", "3")))))
val v1: Validation[String] = string("a") is minLength(1)
val v2: Validation[Int] = int("a") is lessThan(1)
val v3: Validation[Foo] = (v1 :: v2).as[Foo]
val v4: Validation[(String, Int)] = (v1 :: v2).asTuple
val v1: Validation[Foo] = for {
a <- string("a") is minLength(1)
b <- int("b") is lessThan(1)
} yield Foo(a, b)
validate(req.body.asFormUrlEncoded, v1)
// GET
validate(req.queryString, v1)
validate method is able to received Map[String, Seq[String]]
or something.
A Playframework Form class is not composable, and 22 limit. so I made this library.