A small library for those who use akka-testkit in specs2 specifications. Provides idiomatic specs2 matchers for checking the correct reception of messages by test actors and probes, handling the provision and proper termination of test actor systems.
To use akka-testkit-specs2 in an existing SBT project with Scala 2.12, 2.13 or 3.2, add the following dependency to your build.sbt
libraryDependencies += "net.ruippeixotog" %% "akka-testkit-specs2" % "0.3.3"
To use it in your specifications, just extend AkkaSpecification
class MySpec extends AkkaSpecification {
"MySpec" should {
"provide a test actor and matchers for messages" in {
testActor ! "hello"
this must receive("hello")
If you can't extend classes in your specification, just mix-in the trait AkkaSpecificationLike
(you just need to provide it an ActorSystem
). If you only need the matchers, you can also mix-in directly AkkaMatchers
. While AkkaSpecification
and AkkaSpecificationLike
only support mutable specifications, AkkaMatchers
should work in immutable specifications too.
The testkit provides several ways to check messages received by a test actor or a test probe. This library provides expectations already existent in akka-testkit TestKitBase
in the form of specs2 Matchers
with proper failure messages and an idiomatic syntax:
class MySpec extends AkkaSpecification {
// testActor is not thread-safe; use `TestProbe` instances per example when possible!
"my test probe" should {
"receive messages" in {
testActor ! "hello" // expect any message
this must receiveMessage
testActor ! "hello" // expect a specific message
this must receive("hello")
testActor ! "hello" // expect a message of a given type
this must receive[String]
testActor ! "hello" // expect a message matching a function
this must receive[String].which(_ must startWith("h"))
testActor ! Some("hello") // expect a message matching a partial function
this must receive.like {
case Some(s: String) => s must startWith("h")
testActor ! "b" // expect several messages, possibly unordered
testActor ! "a"
this must receive.allOf("a", "b")
testActor ! "b" // expect a message (possibly not the next one)
testActor ! "a"
this must receive("a").afterOthers
testActor ! "hello" // expect a message with an explicit timeout
this must receiveWithin(1.second)("hello")
case class Envelope(msg: String) // unwrap a message before matching
testActor ! Envelope("hello")
this must receive[Envelope].unwrap(_.msg).which(_ must startWith("h"))
testActor ! "hello" // ...and several combinations of the modifiers above
this must receiveWithin(1.second)[String].which(_ must startWith("h")).afterOthers
If you're using the new Typed Actor API avalilable since Akka 2.6, you can use AkkaTypedSpecification
, AkkaTypedSpecificationLike
and AkkaTypedMatchers
instead of the traits above:
class MyTypedSpec extends AkkaTypedSpecification {
"my typed test probe" should {
"receive messages" in {
val probe = testKit.createTestProbe[String]()
probe.ref ! "hello" // expect any message
probe must receiveMessage
probe.ref ! "hello" // expect a specific message
probe must receive("hello")
// any of the following are type errors:
// probe.ref ! 3
// probe must receive(3)
// (...)
Copyright (c) 2016-2020 Rui Gonçalves. See LICENSE for details.