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InSlick is a macro extension to Slick used with plain SQL queries. It can expand collections into a sequence of arguments to SQL IN operator.


Let's say you receive a list of customer names from user input and you want to retrieve full records of customers identified by those names. The SQL query might look like:

SELECT * FROM customer WHERE (first_name, last_name) IN (row('John', 'Kowalski'), row('Jane', 'Smith'))

You might be tempted to construct a String from your collection and splice it with # like so:

val names = List(("John", "Kowalski"), ("Jane", "Smith"))
val namesStr = { case (fn, ln) => s"row('$fn', '$ln')"}.mkString("(", ", ", ")")
val query = sql"SELECT * FROM customer WHERE (first_name, last_name) IN #$namesStr"

However, this is not safe from SQL injection!


Add InSlick to your project:

libraryDependencies += "io.github.rtkaczyk" %% "inslick" % "1.1.0"

and use the sqli interpolator:

import accode.inslick.syntax._

val names = List(("John", "Kowalski"), ("Jane", "Smith"))
val query = sqli"SELECT * FROM customer WHERE (first_name, last_name) IN *$names"

User Guide

For the list of supported databases and more usage examples see the User Guide.