(Experimental) Google APIs client code generator

Maven Central Version Sonatype Snapshots

Generates client code from Google's disovery document. Currently generates code for Scala 3.


Usage via Scala command line example

See example under example/generate.scala.

//> using scala 3.6.2
//> using dep dev.rolang::gcp-codegen::0.0.1

import gcp.codegen.*, java.nio.file.*, GeneratorConfig.*

@main def run =
  val files = Task(
    specsInput = SpecsInput.FilePath(Path.of("pubsub_v1.json")),
    config = GeneratorConfig(
      outDir = Path.of("out"),
      resourcesPkg = "example.pubsub.v1.resource",
      schemasPkg = "example.pubsub.v1.schemas",
      httpSource = HttpSource.Sttp4,
      jsonCodec = JsonCodec.Jsoniter,
      dialect = Dialect.Scala3,
      arrayType = ArrayType.List,
      preprocess = specs => specs
  println(s"Generated ${files.length} files")

Run example:

cd example && scala generate.scala

See output in example/out.

Command-line executable usage

Configuration parameters (currently supported):
Configuration Description Options Default
--out-dir Ouput directory
--specs Can be stdin or a path to the JSON file.
--resources-pkg Target package for generated resources
--schemas-pkg Target package for generated schemas
--http-source Generated http source. Sttp4, Sttp3
--json-codec Generated JSON codec Jsoniter, ZioJson
--array-type Collection type for JSON arrays List, Vector, Array, ZioChunk List
--include-resources Optional resource filter.

Command line binaries are not published (not yet).
A command line binary can be built from the source via sbt buildCliBinary.
The output directory is modules/cli/target/bin.
E.g. on Linux the output file will be like modules/cli/target/bin/gcp-codegen-x86_64-linux.

curl 'https://pubsub.googleapis.com/$discovery/rest?version=v1' > pubsub_v1.json

# the path to the executable may be different
./modules/cli/target/bin/gcp-codegen-x86_64-linux \
 --out-dir=src/scala/main/generated \
 --specs=./pubsub_v1.json \
 --resources-pkg=gcp.pubsub.v1.resources \
 --schemas-pkg=gcp.pubsub.v1.schemas \
 --http-source=sttp4 \
 --json-codec=jsoniter \
 --include-resources='projects.*,!projects.snapshots' # optional filters

Building and testing

Generate, compile and run tests for generated code

sbt buildCliBinary test