roiocam / sbt-depend-walker   0.1.1

Apache License 2.0 GitHub

A sbt plugin for walk on the dependency tree of Build to see if a specific task exists.

Scala versions: 2.12
sbt plugins: 1.x

Continuous Integration


A sbt plugin for walk on the dependency tree of Build to see if a specific task exists.


Use the Apache Pekko project as an example

1. add plugin

add these line into project/plugin.sbt

addSbtPlugin("io.github.roiocam" % "sbt-depend-walker" % "latest")

2. create Depend-Walker settings

create PekkoDependWalker scala class on project/PekkoDependWalker.scala

import io.github.roiocam.DependWalkerPlugin.autoImport.walkTasks
import io.github.roiocam.TaskDefine._
import io.github.roiocam._
import sbt.Keys._
import sbt._

object PekkoDependWalker {

  lazy val walkSettings = Seq(
    walkTasks := Seq(
        ScopeKeyMatcher((Compile / packageBin).scopedKey, CheckBoth),
        ScopeKeyMatcher((CompileJdk9 / compile).scopedKey, CheckConfig)


3. enable plugin and apply settings

lazy val actorTyped = pekkoModule("actor-typed")
  .dependsOn(actor, slf4j)
+ .settings(PekkoDependWalker.walkSettings)
+ .enablePlugins(DependWalkerPlugin)


When depend-walker can not detect expected task in dependency tree, it will print ERROR logs like this:

pekko > dependWalkerCheck
[error] stack trace is suppressed; run last actor-typed / dependWalkerCheck for the full output
[error] stack trace is suppressed; run last remote / dependWalkerCheck for the full output
[error] stack trace is suppressed; run last cluster-sharding / dependWalkerCheck for the full output
[error] stack trace is suppressed; run last stream / dependWalkerCheck for the full output
[error] (actor-typed / dependWalkerCheck) java.lang.Exception: Expect depend <ScopeKeyMatcher(ScopedKey(This / Select(ConfigKey(CompileJdk9)) / This,compile),CheckConfig)> not in the dependency tree of ScopeKeyMatcher(ScopedKey(This / Select(ConfigKey(compile)) / This,packageBin),CheckBoth)
[error] (remote / dependWalkerCheck) java.lang.Exception: Expect depend <ScopeKeyMatcher(ScopedKey(This / Select(ConfigKey(CompileJdk9)) / This,compile),CheckConfig)> not in the dependency tree of ScopeKeyMatcher(ScopedKey(This / Select(ConfigKey(compile)) / This,packageBin),CheckBoth)
[error] (cluster-sharding / dependWalkerCheck) java.lang.Exception: Expect depend <ScopeKeyMatcher(ScopedKey(This / Select(ConfigKey(CompileJdk9)) / This,compile),CheckConfig)> not in the dependency tree of ScopeKeyMatcher(ScopedKey(This / Select(ConfigKey(compile)) / This,packageBin),CheckBoth)
[error] (stream / dependWalkerCheck) java.lang.Exception: Expect depend <ScopeKeyMatcher(ScopedKey(This / Select(ConfigKey(CompileJdk9)) / This,compile),CheckConfig)> not in the dependency tree of ScopeKeyMatcher(ScopedKey(This / Select(ConfigKey(compile)) / This,packageBin),CheckBoth)
[error] Total time: 8 s, completed 2024/1/29 1:06:28


Copyright 2024~ Roiocam

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.