rbricks / scalog   0.2.1


A simple, small, pure-scala backend for slf4j.

Scala versions: 2.12 2.11 2.10

NOTE: This project is no longer actively maintained.

rbricks scalog

A small (<500 loc), scala-oriented backend for slf4j.

Part of rbricks, a collection of composable, small-footprint libraries for scala.

Build Status Maven Central


  1. Extremely simple set-up.
  • In the application entry point, from typesafe config:

    object Main extends App {
      import com.typesafe.config.ConfigFactory
      import io.rbricks.scalog.LoggingBackend
      // ...

    Then add the logging config to your application.conf:

    logging {
      some.example.namespace {
        'level = info
        ClassName1 = error
        inner.namespace {
          'level = info
          "ClassName2" = debug
  • or, in the application entry point, programmatically:

    object Main extends App {
      import io.rbricks.scalog._
        "io.finch" -> Level.Info,
        "com.example.thisapp" -> Level.Debug)
      // ...

You can set -Dscalog.forceColored=yes as a java option (javaOptions += "-Dscalog.forceColored=yes" in build.sbt) to enable colorized output even when stdout/stderr don't appear to be ttys.

Other ways to instantiate the backend can be found in the scaladoc for LoggingBackend

  1. Easily extensible. See architecture for details.
  2. Support for slf4j's MDC (Mapped Diagnostic Context) to keep track of context (i.e. http request being handled) between calls.
  3. Support for MDC context propagation through future combinators, to keep track of a request handled asynchronously. See this for details and installation instructions.

A note on performance. The basic precautions to limit useless overhead in the critical path are in place, but performance is not currently a main focus. The library is geared towards ease of use for projects in which raw processing perf is not a big concern either because they act as a hub to networked resources or because they haven't reached a stage in which single-server performance is critical.

Because the library is a slf4j backend, it can be easily swapped out for a more mainstream logging system tuned for performance, such as logback.


Artifacts for Scala 2.11 and 2.12 are available on Maven Central.

Add the dependency to your build.sbt

libraryDependencies += "io.rbricks" %% "scalog-backend" % "0.2.0"

Additionally, for MDC support, add:

libraryDependencies += "io.rbricks" %% "scalog-mdc" % "0.2.0"

And refer to context propagation for how to set up MDC propagation through async Future combinators.



The Backend registers itself as a slf4j LoggerFactory and instantiaties Loggers on request (calls to LoggerFactory.getLogger in client code). Loggers write messages to a thread-safe queue in a non-blocking manner: one tuple (transport, loggerName, logMessage) is written for each message and each transport for which the logging level of the message is enabled. The queue is consumed by a separate daemon thread that repeatedly dequeues and forwards the LogMessage to the respective transports.

Transports, formats

A transport extends the Transport trait with a single method write. It's tasked with receiving a single message and writing/sending it to a destination (e.g. the console or a logging server).

trait Transport {
  def write(
      name: String,
      logMessage: LogMessage): Unit

For a certain Tranpsort, write is invoked once per message in the daemon thread.

A Transport can be implemented by extending the trait directly or (more conveniently) by extending any of its descendants. Concrete transports provided are parametrized over Format[T] which represents the log message formatting. A Format[Out]is a function (/* loggerName: */ String, LogMessage) => Outthat formats/serializes a certain log message to the specified type Out (e.g. to String for console output).

Included formats can be found in package format.

Included transports can be found in package transport.



  • Support for Scala 2.10 (@larsrh, 716b183)

MIT License