ranyitz / brush   0.3.0


🖌️ Scala Terminal String Styling

Scala versions: 3.x 2.13 2.12

🖌️ Brush

Scala Terminal String Styling


🪶 Dependency free
🤹‍♂️ Apply multiple text styles
🎨 Supports 256-color and Truecolor
🏳️‍🌈 Gradient text styling
🕵️‍♂️ Automatically detects color support and style accordingly


Build Status Maven Central Scala Version License: MIT


To include Brush in your Scala project, add the following dependency:

libraryDependencies += "io.github.ranyitz" %% "brush" % "0.3.0"


To start styling your terminal strings, simply import brush._ in your Scala file:

import brush._
"use any css color".color("darkorchid")
"use a specific rgb color"
    .bgRgb(0, 66, 77)
    .rgb(255, 190, 255)
"use a specific hex color".hex("#D2691E").bgHex("#E6E6FA"))
"gradient background with rgb colors"
    (255, 102, 102), // Red
    (255, 204, 102), // Orange
    (255, 255, 102), // Yellow
    (204, 255, 102) // Green
"gradient background with named css colors"
"gradient with hex triplet colors"
    "#008080", // Teal
    "#FFFF66", // Yellow
    "#FFCC66" // Orange

Another option if you prefer not to use the implicit API:

import brush.Brush

val redText = Brush.decorate("red text").red

After creating a decorated string, you can apply any of the colors and modifiers.

Text Modifiers

Brush provides various text modifiers for customization:

  • bold - Makes the text bold.
  • dim - Applies lower opacity to the text.
  • italic - Renders the text in italics.
  • underline - Adds a horizontal line below the text.
  • inverse - Inverts background and foreground colors.
  • strikethrough - Strikes a horizontal line through the text's center.
  • overline - Adds a horizontal line above the text.
  • reset - Resets the current style.
  • hidden - Prints the text invisibly.

Text Colors

black | red | green | yellow | blue | magenta | cyan | white | blackBright | gray | redBright | greenBright | yellowBright | blueBright | magentaBright | cyanBright | whiteBright

Background Colors

bgBlack | bgRed | bgGreen | bgYellow | bgBlue | bgMagenta | bgCyan | bgWhite | bgBlackBright | bgGray | bgRedBright | bgGreenBright | bgYellowBright | bgBlueBright | bgMagentaBright | bgCyanBright | bgWhiteBright

256 and Truecolor Support

  • rgb | truecolor - choose a color by providing red, green, and blue values between 0 and 255.
  • bgRgb | bgTruecolor - same as rgb, but for background colors.
println("Yellow Green".rgb(154, 205, 50))
println("Steel Blue".bgRgb(70, 130, 180))

CSS Named Colors

  • css | color - choose a color by providing a CSS color name.
  • bgCss | bgColor - same as css, but for background colors.
println("(154, 205, 50)".css("yellowgreen"))
println("(70, 130, 180)".bgCss("steelblue"))

For a complete list of available colors, refer to the full named colors list

Hex Triplet Colors

  • hex - choose a color by providing a hex triplet.
  • bgHex - same as hex, but for background colors.
println("Yellow Green".hex("#9acd32"))
println("Steel Blue".bgHex("#4682b4"))


Note: Gradients are only supported in terminals that support 256-colors or Truecolor.

  • gradient - apply a gradient to the text by providing a list of colors.
  • bgGradient - same as gradient, but for background colors.

A color can be provided in any of the following formats:

  • CSS color name
  • Hex triplet
  • RGB tuple
println("Gradient".gradient("red", "orange", "yellow"))
println("Gradient".bgGradient("#ff0000", "#ffa500", "#ffff00"))
println("Gradient".gradient((255, 0, 0), (255, 165, 0), (255, 255, 0)))

Environment Variables

  • NO_COLOR - If set to any value, disables all colors.
  • FORCE_COLOR - If set to any value between 0-3, forces the following color level:
    • 0 - All colors disabled.
    • 1 - Basic 16 colors support.
    • 2 - ANSI 256 colors support.
    • 3 - Truecolor 16 million colors support.
