quadstingray / sbt-javafx   1.5.2

Apache License 2.0 GitHub

Sbt plugin for building JavaFx Application

Scala versions: 2.12
sbt plugins: 1.0


SBT (Simple Build Tool) plugin for building JavaFx Application. The plugin is inspired by Kavedaa Sbt Javafx

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This plugin, specifically the Java 12 and 13 support, is currently only tested on Mac. Further tests under Windows and Linux are to follow. If you have a problem with Java 12/13, please open an issue on Github.

Java 13 Test not running! Looks like SBT on Java 13 Problem

Linux Java Version > 9 Issue see Linux Infos

Quick start

Add an plugins.sbt to the project's project directory, with the following content:

addSbtPlugin("com.quadstingray" % "sbt-javafx" % "X.Y.Z")

add to build.sbt file (e.g. build.sbt) :


javaFxMainClass := "com.example.MainClass"

To package the application, simply run the sbt javaFxPackage.

How to use Plugin with Java 11

Java 11 Support Java 12 Support


If you find this plugin helpfull, so you can see here how you can help:

  • Send a pull request with your features and bug fixes
  • Help users resolve their issues.


sbt-javafx is deployed on bintray (jcenter).

Version History and Changes



Apache 2 License.


Thanks to JetBrains for a IntelliJ IDEA license to use on this project.