This project provides an SBT 0.13 plugin for running PMD over source files. For more information about PMD, see
This plugin uses version 5.1.3 of PMD.
Add the following lines to project/plugins.sbt
addSbtPlugin("com.qonceptual.sbt" % "sbt-pmd-plugin" % "1.0.2")
sbt pmd
test in Test <<= (test in Test).dependsOn(pmd)
pmdReportFormat: String The PMD Report format output. Supported values that also successfully detect if warnings were found include csv, emacs, text, ideaj, textpad, html, summaryhtml, vbhtml, xml, xslt, and textcolor. Default: text
pmdRulesets: Seq[String] The rulesets to run. Default: Seq("rulesets/java/basic.xml")
pmdFailBuild: Boolean If true, any warnings from PMD will fail the build. Default: true
pmdLanguage: String The language PMD should use. Default: java
pmdLanguageVersion: String The version of a language PMD should use. Default: 1.8
pmdReportFile: File The file where PMD should generate the report. Default: target/pmd-report.txt