pragmatico / sbt-liquibase   0.6.6


liquibase 3 plugin for sbt 0.13

Scala versions: 2.10
sbt plugins: 0.13

SBT Liquibase plugin

Instructions for use:

Step 1: Include the plugin in your build

Add the following to your project/plugins.sbt:


addSbtPlugin("co.pragmati" % "sbt-liquibase" % "0.6.6")

Step 2: Add sbt-liquibase settings to your build

Add the following to your 'build.sbt' ( if you are using build.sbt )

import com.github.bigtoast.sbtliquibase.LiquibasePlugin

seq(LiquibasePlugin.liquibaseSettings: _*)

liquibaseUsername := ""

liquibasePassword := ""
liquibaseDriver   := "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
liquibaseUrl      := "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/test_db?createDatabaseIfNotExist=true"

liquibaseChangelog := "src/main/liquibase/changelog/changelog-master.yml"

Or if you are using a build object extending from Build:

import sbt._
import Keys._
import com.github.bigtoast.sbtliquibase.LiquibasePlugin._

class MyBuildThatHasntDrankTheNoSQLKoolAid extends Build {
     lazy val seniorProject = Project("hola", file("."), settings = Defaults.defaultSettings ++ liquibaseSettings ++ Seq (
          liquibaseUsername := "dbusername",
          liquibasePassword := "kittensareevil"
          /* lots more liquibase settings available */


Setting Description
liquibaseUsername Username for the database. This defaults to blank. (liquibaseUsername := "asdf")
liquibasePassword Password for the database. This defaults to blank. (liquibasePassword := "secretstuff")
liqubaseDriver Database driver classname. There is no default. (liquibaseDriver := "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver")
liquibaseUrl Database connection uri. There is no default. (liquibaseUrl := "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mydb")
liquibaseChangelogCatalog Default catalog name for the changelog tables. This defaults to None. (liquibaseChangelogCatalog := Some("my_catalog"))
liquibaseChangelogSchemaName Default schema name for the changelog tables. This defaults to None. (liquibaseChangelogSchemaName := Some("my_schema"))
liquibaseDefaultCatalog Default catalog name for the db if it isn't defined in the uri. This defaults to None. (liquibaseDefaultCatalog := Some("my_catalog"))
liquibaseDefaultSchemaName Default schema name for the db if it isn't defined in the uri. This defaults to None. (liquibaseDefaultSchemaName := Some("my_schema"))
liquibaseChangelog Full path to your changelog file. This defaults 'src/main/migrations/changelog.xml'. (liquibaseChangelog := "other/path/dbchanges.xml")


Task Description
liquibase-update Run the liquibase migration
liquibase-status Print count of yet to be run changesets
liquibase-clear-checksums Removes all saved checksums from database log. Useful for 'MD5Sum Check Failed' errors
liquibase-list-locks Lists who currently has locks on the database changelog
liquibase-release-locks Releases all locks on the database changelog.
liquibase-validate-changelog liquibase-validate-changelog
liquibase-db-diff ( this isn't implemented yet ) Generate changeSet(s) to make Test DB match Development
liquibase-db-doc Generates Javadoc-like documentation based on current database and change log
liquibase-generate-changelog Writes Change Log XML to copy the current state of the database to the file defined in the changelog setting
liquibase-changelog-sync-sql Writes SQL to mark all changes as executed in the database to STDOUT
liquibase-tag Tags the current database state for future rollback with {tag}
liquibase-rollback Rolls back the database to the the state is was when the {tag} was applied.
liquibase-rollback-sql Writes SQL to roll back the database to that state it was in when the {tag} was applied to STDOUT
liquibase-rollback-count Rolls back the last {int i} change sets applied to the database
liquibase-rollback-sql-count Writes SQL to roll back the last {int i} change sets to STDOUT applied to the database
liquibase-rollback-to-date Rolls back the database to the the state it was at the given date/time. Date Format: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
liquibase-rollback-to-date-sql { yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss } Writes SQL to roll back the database to that state it was in at the given date/time version to STDOUT
liquibase-future-rollback-sql Writes SQL to roll back the database to the current state after the changes in the changelog have been applied.
liquibase-drop-all Drop all tables


  • Liquibase version updated to 3.5.3
  • Support for SBT 0.13
  • Plugin released in sonatype
  • Updated README

If any bugs are found or features wanted please file an issue in the github project. I will do my best to accommodate.


Forked from (