For the chinese introduction, refer to
play-mongo is a mongodb module for Play Framework, aims to introduce a concise way to play with mongodb while developing with Play Framework. It's designed based on Official Mongodb Scala Driver and bring more pragmatic features, such as:
- A concise way for playing with mongodb
- Auto generate the codecs of case class models
- Auto conversion between JsValue and BsonValue
- More convenient to deal with GridFS
- Methods for converting change stream to akka stream.
- Support relationship query
Add the following dependency to your build.sbt
libraryDependencies += "cn.playscala" % "play-mongo_2.12" % "0.3.0"
addCompilerPlugin("org.scalamacros" % "paradise" % "2.1.1" cross CrossVersion.full)
And append your mongodb connection config to conf/application.conf
mongodb.uri = "mongodb://user:password@host:port/dbName?authMode=scram-sha1"
Then before the application starts, config where to find your models, modify app/Module
class as follows,
class Module extends AbstractModule {
override def configure() = {
method will find all case classes in models package, auto-generating the related codecs, and add these codes to the driver.
After all, you can inject Mongo
instance into where you want.
class Application @Inject()(cc: ControllerComponents, mongo: Mongo) extends AbstractController(cc) {}
Thanks to Json.format
macro, we can generate the implicit Reads and Writes of case class as follows,
import models._
import play.api.libs.json.Format
package object models {
implicit val emailFormat = Json.format[Email]
implicit val personFormat = Json.format[Person]
implicit val addressFormat = Json.format[Address]
But every time we create a new case class, we have to create a implicit Format here. So we implement a macro annotation @JsonFormat
, which can auto-generate implicit json formats for case classes,
import cn.playscala.mongo.codecs.macrocodecs.JsonFormat
package object models {
implicit val formats = ???
macro annotation receive a package name as a parameter, which designates the package name of models.
A model class represent a document of the mongodb's collection (a collection is just like the table in relation database), which is a case class annotated with @Entity
case class User(_id: String, name: String, password: String, addTime: Instant)
The parameter value of @Entity
specify the collection name in mongodb, if not specified, default to the class name.
As a convention, _id
is used as the identity field of model classes, which is the same as the primary key in the related collection of mongodb.
There are two ways to access the mongodb's collection, the first way is using the model class,
mongo.find[User]().list().map{ users => ... }
The parameter type User
here not only specify the related mongodb's collection, but also specify the result type. That means the query will be sent to common-user
and the result type of query is User
. Notice that, the result type in this way can't be changed.
The second way is using mongo.getCollection
mongo.collection("common-user").find[User]().list().map{ users => }
Here, the parameter type User
in find
method only specify the result type of query, we can change this parameter type to change the result type,
mongo.collection("common-user").find[JsObject]().list().map{ jsObjList => }
mongo.collection("common-user").find[CommonUser](Json.obj("userType" -> "common")).list().map{ commonUsers => }
You can also use model class to specify the related mongodb's collection,
mongo.collection[User].find[User]().list().map{ user => }
The first parameter type User
specifies the related mongodb's collection, and the second parameter type User
specifies the result type. You can change the second parameter type 'User' to change the result type.
The following codes are supposed to have
import play.api.libs.json.Json._
in current scope. So you can writeobj()
instead ofJson.obj()
// Insert Model
mongo.insert[User](User("0", "joymufeng", "123456",
// Insert Json
val jsObj = obj("_id" -> "0", "name" -> "joymufeng", "password" -> "123456", "addTime" ->
mongo.updateById[User]("0", obj("$set" -> obj("password" -> "123321")))
mongo.updateOne[User](obj("_id" -> "0"), obj("$set" -> obj("password" -> "123321")))
mongo.collection[User].updateById("0", obj("$set" -> obj("password" -> "123321")))
mongo.collection[User].updateOne(obj("_id" -> "0"), obj("$set" -> obj("password" -> "123321")))
mongo.collection("common-user").updateById("0", obj("$set" -> obj("password" -> "123321")))
mongo.collection("common-user").updateOne(obj("_id" -> "0"), obj("$set" -> obj("password" -> "123321")))
mongo.findById[User]("0") // Future[Option[User]]
mongo.find[User](obj("_id" -> "0")).first // Future[Option[User]]
mongo.collection[User].findById[User]("0") // Future[Option[User]]
mongo.collection[User].find[User](obj("_id" -> "0")).first // Future[Option[User]]
mongo.collection[User].findById[JsObject]("0") // Future[Option[JsObject]]
mongo.collection[User].find[JsObject](obj("_id" -> "0")).first // Future[Option[JsObject]]
mongo.collection("common-user").findById[User]("0") // Future[Option[User]]
mongo.collection("common-user").find[User](obj("_id" -> "0")).first // Future[Option[User]]
mongo.collection("common-user").findById[JsObject]("0") // Future[Option[JsObject]]
mongo.collection("common-user").find[JsObject](obj("_id" -> "0")).first // Future[Option[JsObject]]
mongo.deleteOne[User](obj("_id" -> "0"))
mongo.collection[User].deleteOne(obj("_id" -> "0"))
mongo.collection("common-user").deleteOne(obj("_id" -> "0"))
// Upload and get the fileId
mongo.gridFSBucket.uploadFromFile("kf.jpg", "image/jpg", new File("./kf.jpg")).map{ fileId =>
// Download file by fileId
case Some(file) =>
case None =>
method will transform Change Stream to Akka Source, and then things become more funny. For example, we can achieve the following features with several line of codes,
- Buffer the elements of Change Stream for bulk processes, and pass to next step if either of the two conditions is established
- up to 10 elements
- exceed to 1000 ms
- Traffic shaping with 1 passed per second
.groupedWithin(10, 1000.millis)
.throttle(elements = 1, per = 1.second, maximumBurst = 1, ThrottleMode.shaping)
.runForeach{ seq =>
// ...
case class Article(_id: String, title: String, content: String, authorId: String)
case class Author(_id: String, name: String)
mongo.find[Article].fetch[Author]("authorId").list().map{{ t =>
val (article, author) = t
For each article, the related author will be fetched on condition article.authorId == author._id
You should be more careful while working with json, because JsNumber
is used to represent all numeric values in json. On the other side, Bson has more concrete numeric types.
That means the conversion between Json and Bson is irreversible due to the asymmetry numeric types. Next step, we will analyze some common scenes.
The following is the model class which will be used.
case class User(_id: String, name: String, setting: UserSetting)
case class UserSetting(gender: String, age: Int)
We usually insert a model class instance into mongodb like this,
mongo.insert[User].insert(User("0", "joymufeng", UserSetting("male", 32)))
Before invoking the underlying driver,User
will be converted to Bson
, and this conversion is reversible. While read from mongodb, the Bson
document could be converted to User
While we construct a JsObject
using Json DSL, all numeric values(such as Byte, Short, Int, Long, Float and Double) will be converted to JsNumber
(with BigDecimal
inside), the concrete types of numeric values lost in this conversion.
Before invoking the underlying driver,Json
will be converted to Bson
, and JsNumber
will be converted to BsonDecimal128
. While read from mongodb, we can't recover the concrete types of the original numeric values.
For example, we usually writes the following update operations,
mongo.updateById[User]("0", obj("$set" -> UserSetting("male", 18)))
// Or
mongo.updateById[User]("0", obj("$set" -> obj("setting" -> obj("gender" -> "male", "age" -> 18))))
Both UserSetting("male", 32)
and obj("gender" -> "male", "age" -> 18)
will be converted to obj("gender" -> JsString("male"), "age" -> JsNumber(BigDecimal(18))
So after these update operations, the type of user.setting.age
field in mongodb will be NumberDecimal
, while read it back, an error occurs,
// [BsonInvalidOperationException: Invalid numeric type, found: DECIMAL128]
While try to convert BigDecimal
to Int
, an exception is thrown. Because the precision value will be lost in this conversion.
To solve this problem, we will convert JsNumber to a narrow type as much as possible, so it could be safely read back.
For example, obj("age" -> JsNumber(18.0))
will be converted to BsonDocument("age", BsonInt32(18))