This repository contains the source code for the Plasma-BTC-Bridge. The Plasma-BTC-Bridge is a service that allows users to send Bitcoin to a Plasma account. The service is composed of two parts a web server and a Bitcoin client.
This repository contains
- consensus
- publicApi
- plasmaBtcCli
- integration: Test the bridge with specific setup of configuration and certain number of bridges
- integration-monitor
For developers:
Run integration test in your local requires 2 steps, run a script and then execute a sbt task
This script:
- run 2 bitcoins containers, and 2 plasma nodes container
- clean up {resources, delete test input and output folders}
- creates privates and public keys for PBFT
- create a plasma wallet
- create/prove/broadcast a transaction which transfer 1000 LVLs from the genesis_block to the wallet
- create/prove/broadcast a transaction which transfer 1 Group from genesis_block to the wallet
- create/prove/broadcast a transaction which transfer 1 Series from genesis_block to the wallet
$ cd integration/scripts/
$ ./
The expected outcome should be
Waiting for node to start
Preparing the environment
Wallet created
Transaction successfully created
Transaction successfully proved
TxoAddress : 3ez2cdn9AeXDFMLKjL2RUyoVqDKmGHNypdL8V2EE2Siz#0
LockAddress : ptetP7jshHVMLZsvEt5QsitpJjG5g5Eoh13ryjzA1LS4zjyuoyoT8uBQtr3h
Type : LVL
Value : 1000
Transaction successfully created
Transaction successfully proved
TxoAddress : 3ez2cdn9AeXDFMLKjL2RUyoVqDKmGHNypdL8V2EE2Siz#0
LockAddress : ptetP7jshHVMLZsvEt5QsitpJjG5g5Eoh13ryjzA1LS4zjyuoyoT8uBQtr3h
Type : LVL
Value : 1000
TxoAddress : HEL5g6Qv3cMY6ChVmFPVp2HYTBizMncRfxZwvU2LY4zn#0
LockAddress : ptetP7jshHVMLZsvEt5QsitpJjG5g5Eoh13ryjzA1LS4zjyuoyoT8uBQtr3h
Type : Group Constructor
Id : 0631c11b499425e93611d85d52e4c71c2ad1cf4d58fb379d6164f486ac6b50d2
Fixed-Series : a8ef2a52d574520de658a43ceda12465ee7f17e9db68dbf07f1e6614a23efa64
Value : 1
Transaction successfully created
Transaction successfully proved
TxoAddress : 3ez2cdn9AeXDFMLKjL2RUyoVqDKmGHNypdL8V2EE2Siz#0
LockAddress : ptetP7jshHVMLZsvEt5QsitpJjG5g5Eoh13ryjzA1LS4zjyuoyoT8uBQtr3h
Type : LVL
Value : 1000
TxoAddress : HEL5g6Qv3cMY6ChVmFPVp2HYTBizMncRfxZwvU2LY4zn#0
LockAddress : ptetP7jshHVMLZsvEt5QsitpJjG5g5Eoh13ryjzA1LS4zjyuoyoT8uBQtr3h
Type : Group Constructor
Id : 0631c11b499425e93611d85d52e4c71c2ad1cf4d58fb379d6164f486ac6b50d2
Fixed-Series : a8ef2a52d574520de658a43ceda12465ee7f17e9db68dbf07f1e6614a23efa64
Value : 1
TxoAddress : Tf9ieCGqHUMuDGym4dEHJFaVdDBrKSU7LJoNmkegvFi#0
LockAddress : ptetP7jshHVMLZsvEt5QsitpJjG5g5Eoh13ryjzA1LS4zjyuoyoT8uBQtr3h
Type : Series Constructor
Id : a8ef2a52d574520de658a43ceda12465ee7f17e9db68dbf07f1e6614a23efa64
Fungibility : group-and-series
Token-Supply : UNLIMITED
Quant-Descr. : liquid
Value : 1
and then, path to root folder
> cd ..
> pwd
sbt integration/test
Note The script does not shutdown resources, run 'docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)' to stop containers, rerunning it will clean up and start from scratch. It is recommended to rerun the script each time the sbt-integration test suite is executed.