phenoscape / sparql-utils   1.3.1

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Scala SPARQL utilities

Scala versions: 2.13 2.12


sparql-utils provides some convenient utilities for working with SPARQL queries in Scala. Current functionality includes:

  • A string interpolator for embedding and properly formatting/escaping Scala objects within SPARQL.
  • Decoding of SPARQL SELECT results to case class instances via automatic typeclass derivation.

SPARQL handling in sparql-utils is based on Apache Jena. A separate module provides additional support for OWL API types. sparql-utils depends on two great libraries for its implementation: propensive/contextual and propensive/magnolia.

Dependency configuration

libraryDependencies += "org.phenoscape" %% "sparql-utils" % "1.2"

For OWL API support:

libraryDependencies += "org.phenoscape" %% "sparql-utils-owlapi" % "1.2"


SPARQL string interpolator

scala> import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.ResourceFactory
import org.apache.jena.rdf.model.ResourceFactory

scala> import org.phenoscape.sparql.SPARQLInterpolation._
import org.phenoscape.sparql.SPARQLInterpolation._

scala> val foafName = ResourceFactory.createResource("")
foafName: org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Resource =

scala> val personName = "Ignatius J. Reilly"
personName: String = Ignatius J. Reilly

scala> val query =
     |   sparql"""
     | SELECT DISTINCT ?person
     | WHERE {
     |   ?person $foafName $personName .
     | }
     |   """
query: org.phenoscape.sparql.SPARQLInterpolation.QueryText =
  ?person <> "Ignatius J. Reilly" .

Various built-in and Jena types are automatically supported for embedding, including Resource, Property, Node, Literal, String, Boolean, and numeric types. With the owlapi module you can also embed the various OWL entities (e.g. OWLClass) as URIs, as well as OWLLiteral instances.

The sparql"" interpolator produces a QueryText object. These can be concatenated using +. A QueryText can be embedded using the interpolator; in this case no escaping happens, allowing queries to be built from fragments.

scala> val people = List(ResourceFactory.createResource(""), ResourceFactory.createResource(""), ResourceFactory.createResource(""))
people: List[org.apache.jena.rdf.model.Resource] = List(,,

scala> val values = => sparql"$p ").reduce(_ + _)
values: org.phenoscape.sparql.SPARQLInterpolation.QueryText = QueryText(<> <> <> )

scala> sparql"""
     | SELECT ?name
     | WHERE {
     |   VALUES ?person { $values }
     |   ?person $foafName ?name .
     | }
     | """
res0: org.phenoscape.sparql.SPARQLInterpolation.QueryText =
SELECT ?name
  VALUES ?person { <> <> <>  }
  ?person <> ?name .

You can convert the QueryText to a Jena Query (may throw a QueryParseException):

scala> res0.toQuery
res1: org.apache.jena.query.Query =
SELECT  ?name
  { VALUES ?person { <> <> <> }
    ?person  <>  ?name

SPARQL query result decoding