pfn / iota   1.0.4

BSD 3-clause "New" or "Revised" License GitHub

IO Type for Android + modern, functional UI language

Scala versions: 2.11 2.10

IOTA - an IO Type for Android

A small, an iota, side-effect tracking library and layout DSL

add to your build

libraryDependencies += "" %% "iota" % "1.0.4"

Clear proguard warnings, these will not cause any runtime crashes (scala 2.10 macro backward compat support)

proguardOptions += "-dontwarn iota.Internal210**"


import iota._ or import individual components from iota.std._ and iota.IO

The basic type is iota.IO which is a side-effect tracking monad. It offers the functions perform, performMain, map, flatMap and >>= which is an alias for flatMap. Any side-effects passed to IO will not run until perform is invoked. IO objects can be created using the IO(any) factory, and can be composed using >>= and map

All compositions are functions, no special classes.

Available components

  • Combinators._ - defines the K-combinator kestrel[A](f: A => _): A => IO[A]
  • AutoK._ - defines k[A] macro, used to turn any function on A into a K-combinator, e.g. TextView#setHint can be accessed as k.hint and k.setHint
  • Single._ - defines single[A] which can be used to implement anonymous abstract classes and all interfaces. e.g., single[TextWatcher].onTextChanged((s: CharSequence, x: Int, y: Int, z: Int) => println(s)) can implement a TextWatcher#onTextChanged while doing a no-op for the afterTextChanged and beforeTextChanged methods.
  • Kleisli._ - provides >=> (andThen) to compose A => IO[B] functions
  • Ternary._ - condK(condition ? (A => IO[B]) | (A => IO[B])) composition
  • Views._ - has w[View], l[View] and c[View] functions, w and l behave like in macroid, w for creating widgets, and l for creating ViewGroups with children. c is a helper function for providing the ViewGroup type for LayoutParams creation when not inside of IO[_ <: ViewGroup].apply().
  • Contexts._ - implicit materializer for android.content.Context depending on what class one is in (Activity, Fragment, HasContext, etc), also implements a type-safe systemService[T] lookup
  • Configurations._ - has functions for detecting the current configuration: sw(smallest-width), v(version), landscape and portrait
  • FutureCombinators._ - defines combinators defer and deferF for working with IO[Future[A]]
  • LayoutCombinators._ - has margins, lp and lpK functions for working with layout params
  • ViewCombinators._ - generic View manipulation, id, hook*, animate, etc.
  • ViewCombinatorExtras._ - more generic View manipualation, backgrounds, visibility, etc.
  • TextCombinators._ - TextView manipulators, for text, inputType, hint and others
  • ImageCombinators._ - set imageResource and imageScale for ImageViews
  • MainThreadExecutionContext - an ExecutionContext for working with Futures that should execute their callbacks on the UI thread


The following creates a LinearLayout with 2 buttons, "Click Me" and "Click Me 2", vertically. It also registers onClick listeners to each button using two different approaches, one where the inputs to the listener are ignored, and one where the input is used.

import iota._
import android.os._
import android.content._
import android.view._
import android.widget._

class MyActivity extends Activity {

  // compose multiple A => IO[A] together, re-use them anywhere we would like
  // c[LinearLayout] is necessary to hint to `lpK` that LinearLayout.LayoutParams
  // need to be created.
  val button2Adjustments: Kestrel[Button] = c[LinearLayout](
    k.text("Click Me 2") >=> hook.onClick((v: View) => IO {
      Toast.makeText(this, s"button ${v.getId} was clicked", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
    }) >=> lpK(WRAP_CONTENT, WRAP_CONTENT, 1.0f){ p: LinearLayout.LayoutParams =>
      p.gravity = Gravity.CENTER
      margins(all = 16.dp)(p)

  // use a view holder pattern, such as the declaration below, for optimal static safety
  lazy val button2 = new Button(this)
  val layout = l[LinearLayout](
    w[Button] >>= k.text("Click Me") >>= hook.onClick { v: View =>
      // this example will animate the button's alpha to transparent and back upon click
      // the text will change to "Alpha 0" when the first animation completes, and will
      // change to "Alpha 1" when the second animation completes
      IO(v.asInstanceOf[TextView]) >>=
        animate(_.alpha(0)) >>= defer(k.text("Alpha 0")) >>=
        deferF(animate(_.alpha(1))) >>= defer(k.text("Alpha 1"))
    } >>= lp(WRAP_CONTENT, WRAP_CONTENT, 1.0f),
    IO(button2) >>= button2Adjustments >>= id(Id.button2),
    w[ListView] >>= lp(WRAP_CONTENT, WRAP_CONTENT, 1.0f) >>=
      hookM.scroll.onScrollStateChanged((list: AbsListView, state: Int) => IO {
        // partially implemented listeners with direct method name overrides
        // can also be used as `hookM0.scroll.onScrollStateChanged` if the input
        // parameters can be ignored.
        Toast.makeText(this, "Scroll state changed: " + state, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
  ) >>= k.orientation(LinearLayout.VERTICAL)

  override def onCreate(b: Bundle) {
    button2.setText("new label")

This sample is a sandbox for trying out all the macros and features available in iota.

Motivations for creation

As a long time user of macroid I enjoy what it brought to layout dsl, but do not like how certain features work: mixing in Contexts[A], extremely verbose lp layout parameter creation, failures in type inference, lack of type-safety in ID lookups, and operators that don't necessarily make sense (i.e. <~, et al). The design goal here is to be as pure as possible while remaining terse and using an existing vocabulary: kestrel (K-combinator), >>= (flatMap, bind), >=> (kleisli composition), etc.