pbyrne84 / scala-case-class-prettification   1.0.0

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Prettification for case classes to allow easier comparision etc

Scala versions: 3.x 2.13

Scala case class print prettification

scala-case-class-prettification Scala version support

libraryDependencies += "uk.org.devthings" %% "scala-case-class-prettification" % "{version-from-above}"

// This is pretty simple and just for scalatest
libraryDependencies += "uk.org.devthings" %% "scala-case-class-prettification-test" % "{version-from-above}" % Test

A very simple dependency that prettifies case classes into a more readable format. This includes adding the field name, wrapping string in quotes and formatting in a way that keeps nested things readable.

When combined with an implicit org.scalactic.Prettifier such as the one bundled in the test submodule as a working example it is much easier to spot which field mismatched in test failures.


import uk.org.devthings.scala.prettification.caseclass.CaseClassPrettifier
import org.scalactic.Prettifier

object Prettifiers {
  val caseClassPrettifier: CaseClassPrettifier = new CaseClassPrettifier

  implicit val prettifier: Prettifier = Prettifier.apply {
    case anyRef: AnyRef if CaseClassPrettifier.shouldBeUsedInTestMatching(anyRef) =>

    case anythingElse =>

A trait version could be made instead if you desire the greater reach inheritance allows.


<Click to see difference>

Now is more friendly on failure.

Examples are in the test cases


It doesn't try to format too clever as the format needs to be the same across comparisons whatever the values.

The diff part

This is simply a wrapper for the command land diff handling of Intellij. If you have the command line launcher set up then calling

idea /path/to/filename

will open the file in Intellij as a tab

idea diff /path/to/filename1 /path/to/filename2

will open the file in intellij diff.

So by simply creating a temp file or temp files we can view things in a less head ache inducing environment. Testing should be fun, diffing complex things that are on a single line is not so fun.

Standard toString on case classes can be confusing.

As strings are not wrapped in quotes it can be confusing. A comma in a value can obfuscate what the column index is.

e.g. A simple example.

case class A(a: String, b: String, c: String)
case class B(a: String, c: String)

A("a", "b", "c").toString == "A(a,b,c)"
B("a,b", "c").toString == "B(a,b,c)"

After prettification these become

  a = "a",
  b = "b",
  c = "c"


  a = "a,b",
  c = "c"

respectively so the diff is greater in variance than just the class name.