paulp / psp-std   0.6.1


psp's non-standard standard library (for scala)

Scala versions: 2.11

psp.std - a non-standard standard library

Build Status


The scala standard library is lacking. This library attempts to fill some of the gaps and play defense against its hostility to correctness where possible. See views for some details.


Suggested contents for project/Build.scala. You'll also want sbt.

package scratch
import sbt._, Keys._

object ScratchProject extends sbt.Build {
  lazy val scratch = project in file(".") settings (
                          name :=  "scratch-project",
                     resolvers +=  "bintray/paulp" at "",
                  scalaVersion :=  "2.11.2",
    initialCommands in console :=  "import psp.std._",
           libraryDependencies +=  "org.improving" %% "psp-std" % "0.4.8"

Or if a self-contained project isn't your bag:

libraryDependencies += "org.improving" %% s"psp-std" % "0.4.8"

Then sbt console and you can look around.

scala> Array(1, 2) === Array(1, 2)
res0: Boolean = true


scala 2.10+, java 7+.