openmole / gridscale   2.55

GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 GitHub

Scala library for accessing various file, batch systems, job schedulers and grid middlewares.

Scala versions: 3.x


GridScale is a scala library for accessing various file and batch systems. For the time being it supports:

  • Remote SSH servers,
  • PBS clusters,
  • SLURM clusters,
  • SGE clusters,
  • OAR clusters,
  • Condor flocks
  • HTTP file lists,
  • IPFS nodes,
  • EGI computing grid via DIRAC pilot jobs system.


GridScale is licensed under the GNU Affero GPLv3 software license.


GridScale builds with sbt.
Use the compile and/or package task to build all the modules.


In order to use gridscale you should import the namespace corresponding to the job system you want to use:

import gridscale.pbs._


GridScale is cross compiled against serveral versions of scala. To use on of its modules add a dependency like:

libraryDependencies += "fr.iscpif.gridscale" %% "pbs" % version


Up to date examples are available in the example directory.


GridScale can be generated locally using: sbt publish-local

To release in one step, use: sbt 'release with-defaults'