onema / sconsole   0.0.5

Apache License 2.0 GitHub

Scallop wrapper to create console applications

Scala versions: 2.12


Simple model around scallop that streamlines and removes the boilerplate to define CLI applications and create sub-commands.

In this model you create Commands that configure each Subcommand. These commands are also in charge of executing the command logic. Once those commands have been defined you can add them to an application.



This example was inspired by the article "Creating Neat .NET Core Command Line Apps"

Create a command:

// HideCommand.scala
import io.onema.command.Command

class HideCommand extends Command("hide") {

  //--- Methods ---
  override def configure(): Unit = {
    description("Instruct the ninja to hide in a specific location.")
      name = "where",
      required = false,
      descr = "Hiding location",
      default = Some("under a turtle")
  override def execute(): Unit = {
    val location = getOption("where").getOrElse("???")
    println(s"Ninja is hidden $location")

Now create another command

// AttackCommand.scala
import io.onema.command.Command

class AttackCommand extends Command("attack") {

  //--- Methods ---
  override def configure(): Unit = {
         |Usage: ninja attack [OPTION]
         |Instruct the ninja to go and attack!
    name = "exclude",
    descr = "Things to exclude while attacking.",
    required = false,
    default = Option(List("civilians"))
    name = "scream",
    short = 's',
    required = false,
    descr = "Scream while attacking"
  override def execute(): Unit = {
    val exclusions = getOption[List[String]]("exclude").getOrElse(List[String]())
    val attacking = Seq("dragons", "badguys", "civilians", "animals")
      .filter(x => !exclusions.contains(x))
    println(s"Ninja is attacking ${attacking.mkString(", ")}")
    getOption[String]("scream").toOption match {
      case Some(x) => println(x)
      case None =>

Create and run the application

// Main.scala
import io.onema.command.Application

object Main {
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    val version =
         | __   _ _____ __   _ _____ _______
         |  | \\  |   |   | \\  |   |   |_____|
         |  |  \\_| __|__ |  \\_| __|   |     |
         |  0.1.0
    val description =
        |Usage: ninja [hide|attack]
        |Ninja command
    val app = new Application("ninja", version, description)
    app.add(new HideCommand)
    app.add(new AttackCommand)

    // Add additional commands here...

Run the command

> ninja hide "under a rock"
ninja is hiding under a rock

> ninja hide
ninja is hiding under a turtle

> ninja attack  --exclude civilians
Ninja is attacking dragons, badguys, animals

> ninja attack --help
Usage: ninja attack [OPTION]
Instruct the ninja to go and attack!

  -e, --exclude  <arg>...   Things to exclude while attacking.
  -s, --scream  <arg>       Scream while attacking
  -h, --help                Show help message