It now supports HTTP/1.1 and IO-Uring on Linux platforms
ZIO2 native, asynchronous implementation of HTTP/2 packet streaming server with TLS encryption implemented as scala ZIO2 effect with ALPN h2 tag. Direct native translation of ZIO ZStream chunks into HTTP/2 packets (inbound and outbound). Tested and optimized to produce highest possible TPS. Server supports HTTP multipart with ZStream interface along with automatic file saving for file based multipart uploads.
- Java NIO: Cross-platform compatibility with high performance
- Linux IO-Uring: Native Linux kernel I/O for maximum performance (new in v0.6.0)
- Synchronous Mode: Traditional blocking Java sockets for specific use cases
libraryDependencies += "io.github.ollls" %% "zio-quartz-h2" % "0.6.0"
to run example from zio-quartz-h2 code base directly
sbt IO/run
To utilize the new IO-Uring implementation on Linux platforms:
// Configure the number of IO-Uring instances
// Recommended ZIO Runtime configuration for IO-Uring
override val bootstrap = zio.Runtime.removeDefaultLoggers ++ SLF4J.slf4j ++ zio.Runtime.setExecutor(
zio.Executor.fromJavaExecutor(Executors.newWorkStealingPool(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors() - NUMBER_OF_RING_INSTANCES))
) ++ zio.Runtime.setBlockingExecutor(zio.Executor.fromJavaExecutor(Executors.newCachedThreadPool()))
// Start server with IO-Uring
exitCode <- new QuartzH2Server(
onConnect = onConnect,
onDisconnect = onDisconnect
).startIO_linuxOnly(NUMBER_OF_RING_INSTANCES, R, filter)
For a complete working example of IO-Uring implementation, refer to the examples/IOU/src/main/scala/Run.scala file in the repository.
For a complete working example of Java NIO implementation, refer to the examples/IO/src/main/scala/Run.scala file in the repository.
Use .../src/main/resources/logback-test.xml to tailor to your specific requirements.
Also you may use options to control logging level.
sbt "run --debug"
sbt "run --error"
sbt "run --off"
- Current Version: 0.6.0
- Major Changes: Added Linux IO-Uring support, upgraded to Scala 3.3, updated logback-classic to 1.5.17
- Template project with use cases,
sbt run
: - Use cases:, to run:sbt IO/run
- To debug: switch to "debug" or 'trace" in logback-test.xml, use "off" or "error" for performace tests with wrk and h2load.
- You may look at the quartz-h2 CATS port
- HTTP/2 with TLS encryption and ALPN h2 tag
- HTTP/1.1 support, chunked encoding only
- Multiple I/O implementations (Java NIO and Linux IO-Uring)
- ZIO2 native implementation
- High-performance packet streaming
- HTTP multipart support with ZStream interface
- Automatic file saving for multipart uploads
- Web filter support
- Configurable logging
- Reactive Flow Control: Advanced backpressure mechanisms that integrate with ZStream
- End-to-End Backpressure: Complete backpressure chain from network socket to application logic
- Threshold-Based Window Updates: Optimized HTTP/2 flow control with intelligent window management
def run =
val env = ZLayer.fromZIO( ZIO.succeed( "Hello ZIO World!") )
(for {
ctx <- QuartzH2Server.buildSSLContext("TLS", "keystore.jks", "password")
exitCode <- new QuartzH2Server("localhost", 8443, 16000, ctx).startIO(R, filter, sync = false)
} yield (exitCode)).provideSomeLayer( env )
val filter: WebFilter = (request: Request) =>
request.hdr("test_tid" -> "ABC123Z9292827"),
Response.Error(StatusCode.Forbidden).asText("Denied: " + request.uri.getPath())
exitCode <- new QuartzH2Server("localhost", 8443, 16000, ctx).startIO(R, filter, sync = false)
case GET -> Root / StringVar(file) =>
val FOLDER_PATH = "/Users/user000/web_root/"
val FILE = s"$file"
val BLOCK_SIZE = 16000
for {
jpath <- ZIO.attempt(new + FILE))
present <- ZIO.attempt(jpath.exists())
_ <- == false)
} yield (Response
.asStream(ZStream.fromFile( jpath, BLOCK_SIZE ))
File upload ( smart http2 flow control implemented if disk saving speed cannot keep up with inbound network data.)
case req @ POST -> Root / "upload" / StringVar(file) =>
val FOLDER_PATH = "/Users/user000/web_root/"
val FILE = s"$file"
for {
jpath <- ZIO.attempt(new + FILE))
u <-
} yield (Response.Ok().asText("OK"))
case req @ POST -> Root / "mpart" =>
MultiPart.writeAll(req, "/Users/user000/tmp1/" ) *> ZIO.succeed(Response.Ok())
case GET -> Root / "example" =>
val ts = ZStream.fromChunks(Chunk.fromArray("Block1\n".getBytes()), Chunk.fromArray("Block22\n".getBytes()))
- Start server with "sbt IO/run"
- ./h2spec http2 -h localhost -p 8443 -t -k
You should get:
Finished in 2.1959 seconds
94 tests, 94 passed, 0 skipped, 0 failed<br>
h2load -D10 -c68 -m30 -t2 https://localhost:8443/test
finished in 10.01s, 65292.20 req/s, 637.89KB/s
requests: 652922 total, 654452 started, 652922 done, 652922 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 errored, 0 timeout
status codes: 652922 2xx, 0 3xx, 0 4xx, 0 5xx
traffic: 6.23MB (6531974) total, 637.62KB (652922) headers (space savings 90.00%), 0B (0) data
min max mean sd +/- sd
time for request: 231us 144.82ms 19.31ms 10.02ms 73.06%
time for connect: 7.39ms 860.22ms 385.69ms 278.36ms 54.90%
time to 1st byte: 9.10ms 875.77ms 398.01ms 282.96ms 54.90%
req/s : 0.00 1489.99 959.99 563.28 75.00%