Brings H3 - Hexagonal hierarchical geospatial indexing system support to Apache Spark SQL
Fetch the JAR file from Maven.
libraryDependencies += "io.github.nuzigor" %% "h3-spark" % "0.9.1"
h3-spark supports only Spark 3.2.1+.
Register h3 functions with these commands:
Config your spark applications with spark.sql.extensions
option: spark.sql.extensions=com.nuzigor.spark.sql.h3.H3SqlExtensions
For example, to use in pure Spark SQL environment:
spark-sql --packages io.github.nuzigor:h3-spark_2.12:0.9.1 --conf spark.sql.extensions=com.nuzigor.spark.sql.h3.H3SqlExtensions
Spark function | Corresponding h3 function |
h3_from_latlng | latLngToCell |
h3_from_wkt | latLngToCell |
h3_array_from_wkt | latLngToCell, polygonToCells, gridPathCells |
h3_grid_disk | gridDisk |
h3_grid_ring | gridRingUnsafe |
h3_grid_path | gridPathCells |
h3_grid_distance | gridDistance |
h3_get_resolution | getResolution |
h3_is_valid | isValidCell |
h3_to_parent | cellToParent |
h3_to_children | cellToChildren |
h3_to_center_child | cellToCenterChild |
h3_compact | compactCells |
h3_uncompact | uncompactCells |
h3_are_neighbors | areNeighborCells |
h3_cell_area_km2 | cellArea |
h3_cell_area_m2 | cellArea |
h3_cell_area_rads2 | cellArea |
h3_distance_km | greatCircleDistance |
h3_distance_m | greatCircleDistance |
h3_distance_rads | greatCircleDistance |
h3_is_pentagon | isPentagon |
h3_grid_disk_distances | gridDiskDistances |
h3_base_cell_number | getBaseCellNumber |
- stringToH3
- h3ToString
- isResClassIII
- getIcosahedronFaces
- cellToLatLng
- cellToBoundary
- gridDiskUnsafe
- gridDiskDistancesUnsafe
- gridDiskDistancesSafe
- gridDisksUnsafe
- cellToLocalIj
- localIjToCell
- cellToChildPos
- childPosToCell
- cellsToLinkedMultiPolygon
- cellsToMultiPolygon
- cellsToDirectedEdge
- isValidDirectedEdge
- getDirectedEdgeOrigin
- getDirectedEdgeDestination
- directedEdgeToCells
- originToDirectedEdges
- directedEdgeToBoundary
- cellToVertex
- cellToVertexes
- vertexToLatLng
- isValidVertex
- getHexagonAreaAvg
- getHexagonEdgeLengthAvg
- edgeLength
- getNumCells
- getRes0Cells
- getPentagons
- Upgrade sbt to the latest version in
- Upgrade plugins to the latest version in
: - Upgrade libraries versions in
:- Set
to the required Spark version - Set
to the version used to build Spark (see <scala.version> in{sparkVersion}/pom.xml) - Set
to the latest h3 version - Set
to the latest jts version - Set
to the latest scalatest version
- Set
- Test and commit the changes
- Run
sbt release
- Create and merge PR