A queue for Scala which returns Futures for elements which may not have been enqueued yet.
"com.nthportal" %% "future-queue" % "1.2.0"
Scala 2.12
Scala 2.11
import com.nthportal.collection.concurrent.FutureQueue
// Create an empty FutureQueue of Strings
val queue = FutureQueue.empty[String]
// or
val q2 = FutureQueue[String]()
// Create a FutureQueue with elements
val q3 = FutureQueue("some", "strings")
// Create a FutureQueue from an existing (immutable) Queue
import scala.collection.immutable.Queue
val scalaQueue = Queue("some", "strings")
val q4 = FutureQueue(scalaQueue)
import com.nthportal.collection.concurrent.FutureQueue
val queue = FutureQueue.empty[String]
// Add an element
queue += "a string"
// or
queue.enqueue("a string")
// Add multiple elements
queue += "string 1" += "string 2" += "another string"
// or
queue.enqueue("string 1", "string 2", "another string")
// Add a collection of elements (TraversableOnce)
queue ++= Seq("some", "strings", "and", "then", "more", "strings")
// Remove a Future which will contain an element once one is added to the queue
val future = queue.dequeue()
future.onComplete(println) // print it eventually
import com.nthportal.collection.concurrent.FutureQueue
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits.global
// Automatically remove and print elements when they are enqueued
val q1 = FutureQueue.empty[String]
q1 += "this string will be removed and printed by the global ExecutionContext"
// Automatically add elements to another FutureQueue
val q2 = FutureQueue("a string")
val sink = FutureQueue.empty[Any]
q2 += "this string will automatically be removed and added to `sink`"
// Aggregate multiple FutureQueues into a single one
val q3 = FutureQueue.empty[String]
val q4 = FutureQueue.empty[Array[Int]]
val q5 = FutureQueue("")
val aggregate = FutureQueue.aggregate(q3, q4, q5)
q5 +=
"""this string and the empty string already in `q5` will
|be automatically removed from `q5` and added to `aggregate`