
I use Graphviz quite a bit to diagram things. It's a great tool, and has saved me many hours of obsessing over whether something should be one more pixel to the left.

Like all quality software, it has a few flaws. kantan.dot is about addressing the one that frustrates me the most: the absence of external stylesheets.

kantan.dot takes a rather naive approach that seems to fit my use case perfectly: stylesheets are simple class to attributes mapping; any diagram element that has the right class(es) inherits the corresponding attributes.


Since I don't expect kantan.dot to gain any sort of traction, I won't spend too long documenting it. The following examples should be enough to work most things out.


/* Sets the color of all nodes to red... */
node {
  color: red;

/* ... except for those with class "white", which will be white.
 * The general rule is that the most specific selection wins:
 * node.white is more specific than node, so it wins in case of
 * conflicting values.
node.white {
  color: white;

/* Edges are styled with the "edge" keyword, and work exactly the same
 * way as nodes.
edge.green {
  color: green;

/* Same goes for graphs. kantan.dot does not (yet?) make a distinction
 * between root graph, subgraph and cluster.
graph.yellow {
  bgcolor: yellow;

/* You can omit the element type if you want a rule to match all of them.
 * This applies to graphs, edges and nodes:
.transparent {
  bgcolor: transparent;


digraph {
    // Classes are set as comma-separated values to the "class" attribute.

    // Attributes specified in an element override those derived from a
    // stylesheet. This node will be purple, even though the stylesheet
    // says it should be white:
    b[class="white" color="purple"]

Do note that the output of kantan.dot will very likely look nothing like your original DOT input. It should in theory be equivalent, but DOT turned out to be far weirder a format than I was expecting and kantan.dot has a very simplified in-memory representation. It's easy to go from the actual DOT grammar to kantan.dot's internal representation, but it's a lossy transformation and it's impossible to get back to the original input.

Running kantan.dot

As an SBT task

Since I wrote kantan.dot to be part of my slides workflow, it's mostly meant to be an SBT task.

The most basic plugin is enabled with the following line in project/plugins.sbt:

addSbtPlugin("com.nrinaudo" % "kantan.dot-sbt" % "x.y.z")

This defines:

  • graphvizSourceDirectory: source directory for DOT files (defaults to ./src/main/graphviz).
  • graphvizTargetDirectory: target directory for compiled DOT files (defaults to ./target/scala-2.12/graphviz).
  • graphvizStylesheet: path to the stylesheet to apply (defaults to none).
  • graphviz: tasks that compiles all DOT files found in graphvizSourceDirectory to SVG files.

The way I use kantan.dot is mostly in conjunction with sbt-site, which is why there's another plugin to integrate both of them:

addSbtPlugin("com.nrinaudo" % "kantan.dot-sbt-site" % "xyz")

This takes care of hooking things together so that running makeSite will automatically compile DOT files and copy the output to the site's img directory (this can be configured by changing Graphviz / siteSubdirName).

As a library

The code should be relatively straightforward to follow. Here's a simple use case to get you started:

import kantan.dot._
import java.io.File

val graphFile: File = ???
val styleFile: File = ???

// Loads a graph and stylesheet, applies the later to the former, and prints the result to stdout.
for {
  graph      <- Parse.parse[Graph](graphFile)
  stylesheet <- Parse.parse[Stylesheet](styleFile)
} Print.print(stylesheet.applyTo(graph))

As a CLI

kantan.dot comes with a simple CLI. By far the easiest way to access it is via coursier bootstraping:

# I call it dss but call it whatever you want, you're probably the only other user in the world
# anyway, your naming conventions are as relevant as mine.
coursier bootstrap com.nrinaudo::kantan.dot-cli:x.y.z -o dss

Here's how to use it:

dss x.y.z
Usage: dss [options]

  -s, --style <value>   stylesheet to apply
  -i, --input <value>   DOT file to apply style to
  -o, --output <value>  where to write the resulting DOT content (defaults to STDOUT)

Possible evolutions

  • support for identifier-based selectors (a bit like CSS's #foo)
  • support for attribute-based selectors (node.white[bgcolor=red] { ... })
  • I'm pretty sure string escaping is not handled properly, and line breaks in quoted strings is unlikely to behave right. Fix this.
  • support for more formats than just SVG in the SBT task.