Scala FP Redis client wrapper for Lettuce with cats-effect 3
Lettuce is incredible performance Java Redis client, but some api is not compatible with scala mind.
This library hide the matters when you use Lettuce.
Add to build.sbt
libraryDependencies += "dev.naoh" %% "lettucef-core" % "0.1.3"
Redis connection and commands are thread safe.
import dev.naoh.lettucef.api.LettuceF
def run: IO[Unit] = {
for {
client <- LettuceF.cluster[IO](RedisClusterClient.create("redis://"))
sync <- client.connect(StringCodec.UTF8).map(_.sync())
} yield for {
_ <- sync.set("key", "value")
v <- sync.get("key")
} yield println(v) // Some(value)
def run: IO[Unit] = {
for {
client <- LettuceF.client[IO](RedisClient.create())
cmd <- client.connect(StringCodec.UTF8, RedisURI.create("redis://")).map(_.sync())
} yield for {
_ <- cmd.eval("""return 1;""", Nil, Nil).flatTap(IO.println)
// RedisInteger(1)
_ <- cmd.eval("""return'set',KEYS[1],ARGV[1])""", "foo" :: Nil, "bar" :: Nil).flatTap(IO.println)
// RedisBulk(OK)
_ <- cmd.eval("""return {1, {err="ERR"}, "B"};""", Nil, Nil).flatTap(IO.println)
// RedisArray(RedisInteger(1), RedisError(ERR), RedisBulk(B))
} yield ()
import dev.naoh.lettucef.api.LettuceF
def run: IO[Unit] = {
for {
client <- LettuceF.cluster[IO](RedisClusterClient.create("redis://"))
conn <- client.connect(StringCodec.UTF8)
conn2 <- client.connect(StringCodec.UTF8)
sync = conn.sync()
async = conn.async()
} yield for {
start <- IO(System.currentTimeMillis())
elapsed = (any: Any) =>
IO.println("%4d ms > %s".format(System.currentTimeMillis() - start, any))
_ <- async.set("Ix", "0")
_ <- async.incr("Ix").replicateA_(100000)
aget <- async.get("Ix")
_ <- async.incr("Ix")
_ <- conn2.sync().get("Ix").flatTap(elapsed)
// 679 ms > Some(6426) Executions run out of order between different connections
_ <- sync.get("Ix").flatTap(elapsed)
// 3498 ms > Some(100001) Executions run in order on the same connection
_ <- aget.flatTap(elapsed)
// 3499 ms > Some(100000)
} yield ()
This api is also just wrap lettuce api. It's bothering to control right consistency.
I recommend to use stream extension if you want to just receive messages from subscribe / psubscribe.
import dev.naoh.lettucef.api.LettuceF
def run: IO[Unit] = {
for {
client <- LettuceF.cluster[IO](RedisClusterClient.create("redis://"))
pub <- client.connect(StringCodec.UTF8).map(_.sync())
sub <- client.connectPubSub(StringCodec.UTF8)
_ <- sub.setListener(RedisPubSubF.makeListener(println))
} yield for {
_ <- sub.subscribe("Topic")
_ <- IO.sleep(100.milli)
_ <- List.range(0, 3).map(i => pub.publish("Topic", i.toString)).sequence
_ <- IO.sleep(100.milli)
_ <- sub.unsubscribe("Topic")
_ <- IO.sleep(100.milli)
} yield ()
// Subscribed(Topic,1)
// Message(Topic,0)
// Message(Topic,1)
// Message(Topic,2)
// Unsubscribed(Topic,0)
libraryDependencies += "dev.naoh" %% "lettucef-streams" % version
import dev.naoh.lettucef.api.LettuceF
import dev.naoh.lettucef.api.streams._
def run: IO[Unit] = {
val N = 3
for {
client <- LettuceF.cluster[IO](RedisClusterClient.create("redis://"))
pub <- client.connect(StringCodec.UTF8).map(_.sync())
sub <- client.connectPubSub(StringCodec.UTF8).stream()
_ <- sub.setListener(RedisPubSubF.makeListener(printSubscription))
_ <- sub.subscribe("A").evalMap(m => pub.publish("B", m.message)).compile.drain.background
_ <- sub.subscribe("B").evalMap(m => pub.publish("C", m.message)).compile.drain.background
_ <- sub.subscribeAwait("A", "B", "C").flatMap(_.debug().take(N * 3).compile.drain.uncancelable.background)
} yield for {
_ <- List.range(0, N).map(i => pub.publish("A", i.toHexString)).sequence
} yield ()
val printSubscription: PushedMessage[String, String] => Unit = {
case m: Subscribed[_] => println(s"> $m")
case m: Unsubscribed[_] => println(s"> $m")
case _ => ()
// > Subscribed(A,1)
// > Subscribed(C,2)
// > Subscribed(B,3)
// Message(A,0)
// Message(A,1)
// Message(A,2)
// Message(B,0)
// Message(C,0)
// Message(B,1)
// Message(B,2)
// Message(C,1)
// Message(C,2)
// > Unsubscribed(C,2)
// > Unsubscribed(B,1)
// > Unsubscribed(A,0)
import dev.naoh.lettucef.api.LettuceF
import dev.naoh.lettucef.api.streams._
def run: IO[Unit] = {
for {
client <- LettuceF.cluster[IO](RedisClusterClient.create("redis://"))
conn <- client.connect(StringCodec.UTF8)
} yield for {
_ <- conn.sync().del("Set")
_ <- List.range(0, 100).map(_.toHexString).grouped(10)
.map(args => conn.sync().sadd("Set", args: _*))
ret <-
.sscan("Set", ScanArgs.Builder.limit(20))
} yield println(ret)
// List(23, 23, 20, 21, 13)
libraryDependencies += "dev.naoh" %% "lettucef-extras" % version
It is useful to execute blocking command
import dev.naoh.lettucef.api.LettuceF
import dev.naoh.lettucef.api.extras.ResourcePool
val count = new AtomicInteger(0)
val printResource: Resource[IO, Int] =
Resource.make(IO(count.getAndIncrement()).flatTap(n => IO.println(s"$n >")))(n => IO.println(s"$n <"))
def run: IO[Unit] = {
for {
client <- LettuceF.cluster[IO](RedisClusterClient.create("redis://"))
pub <- client.connect(StringCodec.UTF8).map(_.sync())
pool <- client.connect(StringCodec.UTF8).map(_.sync())
.pipe(ResourcePool(maxIdle = 2, minIdle = 1).make(_))
} yield for {
_ <- pub.unlink("hoge")
_ <- List.range(0, 3).map(i => pub.rpush("hoge", i.toString)).sequence
_ <- IO.println("start")
_ <- pool.use(_.blpop(1, "hoge").flatTap(IO.println)).parReplicateA(4)
_ <- IO.println("end")
} yield ()
// 0 >
// start # active=0 idle=1
// 1 >
// 2 >
// 3 >
// Some((hoge,0)) # active=4 idle=0
// Some((hoge,2)) # active=3 idle=1
// Some((hoge,1)) # active=2 idle=2
// 1 <
// None # active=1 idle=2
// 3 <
// end # active=0 idle=2
// 0 <
// 2 <
- Support Scala 2.13 and 3.x
- Convert RedisFuture I/F with Async of cats-effect 3
- Convert Java collection types to scala collection
- New type-safe Lua scripting I/F
- Eliminate java.lang.Object I/F
- Eliminate null
- Add alternative models for Scala
- Add PubSub I/F
- Support cluster/non-cluster RedisClient
- Support All Commands
- Bitmaps
- Cluster
- Connection
- Geo
- Hashed
- HyperLogLog
- Keys
- Lists
- Pub/Sub
- Scripting
- Sentinel
- Server
- Sets
- SortedSets
- Streams
- Strings
- Transactions
Simple benchmark on laptop
Benchmark Mode Cnt Score Error Units
LettuceF.parallel20k ss 10 1.959 ± 0.135 s/op
LettuceF.pipeline50k ss 10 2.546 ± 0.157 s/op
Redis4Cats.parallel20k ss 10 2.081 ± 0.525 s/op
Redis4Cats.pipeline50k Fail to complete run
ScalaRedis.parallel20k ss 10 2.671 ± 0.404 s/op
ScalaRedis.pipeline50k ss 10 5.860 ± 0.725 s/op