mosesn / streamer   0.0.1


converts iterators to streams the right way

Scala versions: 2.10


Streamer is a library for converting collections to streams lazily


check out the note on toStream. "Will not terminate for infinite collections". an eagerly evaluated conversion to streams is crazy.

Can I reuse my iterator after I've converted it?


Can I reuse my iterable after I've converted it?

yep, assuming your iterator doesn't mutate

Can I use this on traversables?

ugh no just implement iterable


ok sure


import com.mosesn.streamer.Streamer
val x = (0 until 10).toList
val y = Streamer(x)


import com.mosesn.streamer.StreamConverters._
val x = (0 until 10).toList
val y = x.toLazyStream

why aren't there implicits that will turn my iterables/iterators into streams for me?

pretty sure this is an anti-pattern. you'll use StreamConverters and you'll like it.

why isn't X supported?

file a github issue. I probably just didn't think of it.

hasn't library X done this before?

probably. this is almost no code. this was mostly a learning exercise for scala's stream api.

where can I download this?


resolvers += "sonatype" at ""

libraryDependencies ++= Seq("com.mosesn" %% "streamer" % "0.0.1")

found a bug

file a github issue