Sbt plugin for managing running instances on Amazon EC2
1 Create credentials file, e.g. in $HOME/.ec2Credentials
realm=Amazon EC2
host=<AWS Region>
user=<Access Key ID>
password=<Secret Access Key>
2 Add to Your project/plugins.sbt
addSbtPlugin("io.github.morgaroth" % "sbt-ec2" % "0.1.0")
3 Add EC2Plugin (as autoplugin) to project definition:
// enable plugin
// define to which region plugin should connect
// must be the same as specified in credentials (.ec2Credentials) file as 'host' field
ec2Region := "eu-west-1"
// add previously created credentials file
credentials += Credentials(Path.userHome / ".ec2Credentials")
You can get list of running instances using one of tasks:
- ec2FindByName <name>
- ec2FindByNames <name> <name> ...
- ec2GetInstances <name> <name> ...
The difference between ec2Find* and ec2Get* is:
- ec2Find* simply finds and returns list of instances using week match of instance's name and provided query, according to the formula:
(query.lower contains name.lower) || (name.lower contains query.lower)
so return possibly wide range of results, useful in manual executing
- ec2Get* finds instances by names but returns instances list which is filtered using some filtering strategy, helpful when You want to find some insances in restricted way, for this You can use:
one of predefined strategy from (all of equalities in predefined strategies are case sensitive):
- NameEqualStrategy - defaut, returns only instances with names exacly equal provided query names
// since instance name doesn't have to be unique, You can have more instances with the same name instances in EC2: my-simple-server, my-simple-server, simple-server, server ec2GettingStategy := NameEqualStrategy ec2GetInstances simple-server my-simple-server /==> Some(List(simple-server,my-simple-server,my-simple-server))
- NameEqualForceOnlyOneStrategy - like before one, but fails when is more than one position in result
// since instance name doesn't have to be unique, You can have more instances with the same name // instances in EC2: my-simple-server, my-simple-server, simple-server, server ec2GettingStategy := NameEqualStrategyForceOnlyOne ec2GetInstances simple-server /==> Some(List(simple-server)) ec2GetInstances my-simple-server /==> None
- InstanceNameContainNameQueryStrategy - returns only that instances which name contains provided query
// instances in EC2: my-simple-server, simple-server, server ec2GettingStategy := InstanceNameContainNameQuery ec2GetInstances simple-server /==> Some(List(my-simple-server, simple-server)) ec2GetInstances server /==> Some(List(my-simple-server, simple-server, server))
This may be helpful when part of name describe instances You want to get
- InstanceNameContainNameQueryForceOnlyOneStrategy - like before one, but fails when is more than one position in result
// instances in EC2: my-develop-server-, my-production-server, simple-server, server ec2GettingStategy := InstanceNameContainNameQueryForceOnlyOne ec2GetInstances my-develop /==> Some(List(simple-server)) ec2GetInstances my /==> None ec2GetInstances server /==> None
This may be helpful when part of name describe uniqally an instance You want to get
or define Your own strategy by extending trait
package io.github.morgaroth.sbt.ec2 trait GettingInstanceStrategy { def getInstances(queryNames: List[String], foundInstances: List[Instance]): Option[List[Instance]] }