mefellows / respite   0.3.3

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REST should be easy - Respite is a reactive & modular framework for REST applications written in Scala.

Scala versions: 2.10


REST should be easy - Respite is a reactive & modular micro-framework for REST applications written in Scala.

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  • Designed for microservices architectures following the 12 factor principles
  • Sinatra-esque Routing DSL courtesy of Scalatra
  • Extensible REST caching support & DSL
  • API usage metrics
  • Database integration, with CRUD out-of-the-box, via Reactive Mongo and Akka
  • API Key Security
  • In-built JSON <-> Case Class marshalling & validation via play-json
  • ...and more!

Getting Started

Respite comes with a scaffolding tool to make creating services a breeze. Before you start, ensure you have access to a Mongo DB instance running on the default port on or modify the provided .env file overriding environment variables.

  1. Install sbt.
  2. Install giter8:
  3. curl | sh.
  4. ~/bin/cs n8han/giter8.
  5. Run ~/bin/g8 mefellows/respite-sbt.g8 and follow the prompts.
  6. Launch sbt in this directory. Wait patiently as it downloads the Internet the first time.
  7. Execute container:start to launch the web application.
  8. Execute browse to see a default HTML template display in your browser - this is nothing exciting.

Once you're up and running, you can use the giter8 scaffolding tool to build our your services.


From within sbt run g8Scaffold <TAB> to see what can be auto-generated for you:

Creating your first CRUD Service

This command will generate for you a Model and accompanying Repository & Controller classes along with stubbed test cases. It is the best way to get started learning Respite. Feel free to update your Model case class when you're done:

> g8Scaffold crud-service
model_name [MyModel]: Car
organisation []:
Success :)

To make this service active, you will need to register your Controller in ScalatraBootstrap as follows:

class ScalatraBootstrap extends LifeCycle {
  protected implicit def executor: ExecutionContext =

  override def init(context: ServletContext) {

    // Import implicit definitions into Scope
    implicit val bindingModule = ProductionConfigurationModule  // DI Configuration object
    import  // JSON extensions

    // Add your Controller here...
    context.mount(new UserController(new UserRepository), "/users/*")

To hot-reload the changes into the running app, run ~ ;copy-resources;aux-compile in SBT.

Your done! cURL until your heart is content

curl "http://localhost:8080/users/"

        "id": {
            "$oid": "53aed383b65f2a89219ddcfd"
        "username": "bmurray",
        "firstName": "Bill"
        "id": {
            "$oid": "53af811bb65f2a89219ddd08"
        "username": "Matty",
        "firstName": "Poopoohead"

What next?

Follow the guide for a more comprehensive tutorial, or take a look at a working example.

Mixin some magic to spice things up...

Use the following Mixins to enhance your Routes:

  • Authentication - for standard API Key security for your Routes
  • CachingRouteSupport - to provide automatic CRUD & idempotent route caching & a simple caching DSL
  • CachingSupport - for a simple caching DSL on non-RESTy routes
  • MetricSupport - for automatic & detailed instrumentation and health checks API for your API calls and routes


  • Implementation of common fault tolerance and resilience features (such as the likes of Hystrix)
  • Metrics
  • GUI with pretty charts and stuff
  • Persistent metrics sink
  • Oauth 2.0 Integration
  • Provider Server
  • Client Server
  • HateosSupport - to link data models together (not required for Mongo setup)
  • PaginationSupport - to enable REST pagination on CRUD objects


This is early stages but the core API is now much more stable. Continue to use with caution.


Built on top of giants...

We use the following components so you know it's made of good:

Livin' on the edge?

To get nightly/development versions, add the following snapshot repository and version

resolvers += "Sonatype OSS Snapshots" at ""

libraryDependencies += "" %% "respite" % "0.3.0-SNAPSHOT"


Simply fork the repo, create a feature branch and then submit a pull request (oh, please squash your commits too!).