ScalaJSON - JSON for Scala, currently contains minimal AST
Scala library for the Stripe API
A SBT wrapper around Twitter's bower
Akka streams support for json
Pekko Streams support for JSON via Circe
Serve static assets from WebJars
Utils for scala
Cats instances for ScalaCheck data types
Obtained versioned assets created by sbt-digest
A SBT plugin for Axis/Axis2 to generate java sources from WSDL using WSDL2Java
An sbt plugin to help setup artifact and repository settings for projects within the Apache Foundation
Webmodels is a scala library with a collection of Scala models/constants that are relevant to modern HTTP programming.
For kicking off grunt tasks from inside sbt
Spire wrappers for Json4s
A RawHeader which can be used for akka-http that allows you to censor the .toString method
Property-based testing for Scala