mbannour / mongoscala3codec   0.0.1

Apache License 2.0 GitHub

Compile-time generated BSON codecs for Scala 3 case classes, ensuring seamless and type-safe integration with MongoDB

Scala versions: 3.x

MongoScala3Codec: A Macro-Based BSON Codec Generator for Scala

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MongoScala3Codec is a lightweight and efficient library that simplifies BSON serialization and deserialization for Scala case classes. Leveraging Scala 3’s powerful macro system and the new given/using syntax, it automatically generates BSON codecs at compile time.

This approach ensures:

  • Strong Type Safety – Compile-time validation of BSON serialization.
  • High Performance – Optimized code generation for efficient BSON handling.
  • Minimal Boilerplate – Eliminates manual codec definitions.

MongoScala3Codec is an essential tool for seamless integration with MongoDB in modern Scala applications.


  • Scala 3: This library is compatible only with Scala 3, leveraging its advanced macro capabilities for compile-time codec generation.


To include MongoScala3Codec in your Scala project, add the following dependency:

libraryDependencies += "io.github.mbannour" %% "mongoscala3codec" % "0.0.1"


  • Automatic Codec Generation
    Generate a BSON codec for any Scala case class with minimal boilerplate.

  • Flexible None Handling

    • Encode None → The field will be defined in the MongoDB document with a null value.
    • Ignore None → The field will not be included in the MongoDB document at all.
  • Compile-Time Safety
    The macros ensure that only valid case classes are used, providing compile-time errors if a non-case class is passed.

  • Scala 3 Macros
    Leverage the new inline and macro features of Scala 3 for concise and safe code generation.

How It Works

The macros generate a CodecProvider through the following steps:

1. Type Validation

At compile time, the macro ensures that the type T is a case class. If not, it aborts with an error to prevent incorrect usage.

2. Codec Generation

The macro calls the generateCodec[T] function from CaseClassCodecGenerator, which constructs a BSON codec based on whether you want to encode or ignore None values.

3. Provider Creation

It wraps the generated codec in a CodecProvider instance, which:

  • Checks at runtime if a requested class is assignable from T.
  • Returns the appropriate codec for BSON serialization and deserialization.

Example Code

import io.github.mbannour.mongo.codecs.CodecProviderMacro
import org.bson.codecs.{Codec, DecoderContext, EncoderContext}
import org.bson.codecs.configuration.{CodecProvider, CodecRegistries, CodecRegistry}
import org.bson.{BsonReader, BsonWriter}
import org.bson.types.ObjectId
import org.mongodb.scala.{MongoClient, MongoCollection, MongoDatabase}
import scala.concurrent.Await
import scala.concurrent.duration._

final case class EmployeeId(value: ObjectId) extends AnyVal

object EmployeeIdCodec extends Codec[EmployeeId] {
  override def encode(writer: BsonWriter, value: EmployeeId, encoderContext: EncoderContext): Unit =

  override def decode(reader: BsonReader, decoderContext: DecoderContext): EmployeeId =

  override def getEncoderClass: Class[EmployeeId] = classOf[EmployeeId]

case class Address(street: String, city: String, zipCode: Int, employeeId: EmployeeId)

object DefaultCodecRegistries {

  private val addressProvider = CodecProviderMacro.createCodecProviderEncodeNone[Address]

  // Compose all codec providers into a single CodecRegistry
  val defaultRegistry: CodecRegistry = CodecRegistries.fromRegistries(
    CodecRegistries.fromProviders(EmployeeIdCodecProvider, addressProvider),

  given CodecRegistry = defaultRegistry

object MyApp extends App {
  import DefaultCodecRegistries.given
  val database: MongoDatabase = MongoClient()
  val collection: MongoCollection[Address] = database.getCollection("addresses")
  val address = Address(
    street = "456 Oak St",
    city = "Metropolis",
    zipCode = 98765,
    employeeId = EmployeeId(new ObjectId())
  val insertFuture = collection.insertOne(address).toFuture()
  Await.result(insertFuture, 10.seconds)
  println(s"Inserted address: $address")
  val findFuture = collection.find().first().toFuture()
  val retrievedAddress = Await.result(findFuture, 10.seconds)
  println(s"Retrieved address: $retrievedAddress")


Contributions are welcome! If you'd like to contribute, please fork the repository and submit a pull request. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.

Main Developer: Mohamed Ali Bannour
Email: [email protected]