matiwinnetou / swagger-play24   1.1

Apache License 2.0 GitHub

Port of swagger 1.3.12 to Play 2.4

Scala versions: 2.10



Project is most likely obsoleted by:


This is a 'direct' move of Swagger support for Play (2.3) to (2.4) This project does not try to be too clever and has a very few changes comparing to original code.

Library version Play Version Swagger Spec version Scala Version
1.1         |   2.4         |          1.2         | 2.10
1.2         |   2.4         |          1.2         | 2.10  
1.3         |   2.4         |          1.2         | 2.10, 2.11
1.4         |   2.4         |          1.2         | 2.10, 2.11

Note: swagger-core 1.5 is not yet supported, so annotations from io.swagger.annotations._ will be ignored! Use com.wordnik.swagger.annotations._instead.


add to your build.sbt

libraryDependencies += "pl.matisoft" %% "swagger-play24" % "1.4"

and then add as an example to your routes file:

GET     /api-docs   @pl.matisoft.swagger.ApiHelpController.getResources



application.conf - config options

api.version (String) - version of API | default: "beta"
swagger.api.basepath (String) - base url | default: "http://localhost:9000"
swagger.filter (String) - classname of swagger filter | default: empty


Once library is hooked up it is possible to add swagger annotation to classes and methods. The exact documentation and example is available on a swagger web page.

Scala Support

  • library is available for Scala 2.10 and Scala 2.11

Java Support

  • should work, tested


Library automatically instantiates two classes (eagerly) upon startup:

  • SwaggerPlugin via SwaggerPluginProvider
  • ApiHelpController


  • 1.0 + 1.1 + 1.2 - initial releases for scala 2.10
  • 1.3 - a binary release for scala 2.10 and scala 2.11
  • 1.4 - a bug fix - by accident apiBasePath was not set


  • just remove the library from classpath - it will then not register and instantiate any classes