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Scamper is the HTTP library for Scala.

It includes client and server implementations along with WebSockets.

Getting Started

To get started, add Scamper to your sbt project†:

libraryDependencies += "com.github.losizm" %% "scamper" % "41.0.1"

Scamper uses SLF4J logging abstraction under the hood, so you'll need to bind to an implementation if you wish to enable logging.

Here's how to bind to Logback:

libraryDependencies += "ch.qos.logback" % "logback-classic" % "1.4.11"

See SLF4J Documentation for binding to other logging frameworks.

† Scamper 23.0.0 and above are Scala 3 compatible. See previous releases for compatibility with Scala 2.12 and Scala 2.13.

Let's Scamper!

As a quick introduction, two examples are presented here.

The first creates, configures, and runs an HTTP server. The other uses an HTTP client to send requests to it.

See also Developer Guide for a systematic review of the library.

HTTP Server

Here we build and run an HTTP server. It's a bit trite and only scratches the surface; however, it does capture the general programming style.

import scala.concurrent.Future
import scala.concurrent.duration.DurationInt
import scala.language.implicitConversions
import scamper.http.{ *, given }
import scamper.http.server.{ *, given }
import ResponseStatus.Registry.{ BadRequest, Ok }

// Define utility to log HTTP messages
def logHttpMessage[T <: HttpMessage](msg: T): T =

// Starting point to build HTTP server
val app = ServerApplication()

// Log incoming requests
app.incoming(req => logHttpMessage(req))

// Handle GET requests
app.get("/greet") { req =>
  req.query.get("name") match
    case Some(name) => Ok(s"Hello, $name!")
    case None       => Ok("Hello, world!")

// Handle POST requests at different endpoint"/echo") { req =>
  given BodyParser[String] = BodyParser.string(maxLength = 1024)[String] match
    case ""      => BadRequest("No message.")
    case message => Ok(message)

// Log outgoing responses
app.outgoing(res => logHttpMessage(res))

Future {
  // Create HTTP server at port 8080
  val httpServer = app.toHttpServer(8080)

    println("*** Server is up and running ***")
    println("*** Shutting down server ***")

// To restart server...
// val moreServer = app.toHttpServer(8080)

// Or to run it on another port...
// val copyServer = app.toHttpServer(9090)

HTTP Client

Next is the HTTP client. We send requests to the server created in the previous section.

import scala.language.implicitConversions
import scamper.http.{ *, given }
import scamper.http.client.{ *, given }
import scamper.http.types.{ *, given }
import RequestMethod.Registry.{ Get, Post }

// Define parser for incoming messages
given BodyParser[String] = BodyParser.string(maxLength = 1024)

// Create HTTP client using custom settings
val httpClient = ClientSettings()
  .resolveTo("localhost", 8080, secure = false)
  .acceptEncoding("deflate", "gzip")

// Send GET request
httpClient.get("http://localhost:8080/greet?name=developer") { res =>

// Manually create GET request and add query parameter
val greetRequest = Get("/greet").setQuery("name" -> "Big Dawg")
httpClient.send(greetRequest) { res => println([String]) }

// Send POST request with message body"/echo", body = "Hello, it's me.") { res =>

// Manually create POST request and add message body
val echoRequest = Post("/echo").setPlainBody("Just me again.")
httpClient.send(echoRequest) { res => println([String]) }

// Send empty POST request and handle client error"/echo", body = "") { res =>
  res.isSuccessful match
    case true  => println("This won't be printed.")
    case false => println(s"Oops! ${[String]} (${res.status})")

API Documentation

See scaladoc for additional details.


Scamper is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2. See LICENSE for more information.