losizm / little-config   4.0.0

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The Scala library that provides extension methods for Typesafe Config.

Scala versions: 3.x


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The Scala library that provides extension methods for Typesafe Config.

Getting Started

To get started, add little-config to your project:

libraryDependencies += "com.github.losizm" %% "little-config" % "4.0.0"

NOTE: Starting with version 1.0, little-config is written for Scala 3 exclusively. See previous releases for compatibility with Scala 2.12 and Scala 2.13.

little-config has a runtime dependency to Typesafe Config 1.4.x, and you must add an implementation to your project.

For example, you could add the following to your build:

libraryDependencies += "com.typesafe" % "config" % "1.4.1"

A Taste of little-config

Here's a taste of what little-config offers.

Getting Custom Value from Config

little-config is powered by a single trait: ConfigDelegate. You provide an implementation of this to get a custom value from Config.

import com.typesafe.config.{ Config, ConfigFactory }
import little.config.{ *, given }

case class User(id: Int, name: String)

// Define how to get User from Config
given ConfigDelegate[User] with
  def get(config: Config, path: String): User =
    val user = config.getConfig(path)
    User(user.getInt("id"), user.getString("name"))

val config = ConfigFactory.parseString("""user { id = 0, name = root }""")

// Get User from Config
val user = config.get[User]("user")

A special implementation of ConfigDelegate is available for converting a ConfigList to a collection of custom values. For example, if you define ConfigDelegate[User], you automatically get ConfigDelegate[Seq[User]].

val config = ConfigFactory.parseString("""
  system {
    users = [
      { id = 0, name = root }
      { id = 500, name = guest }

// Get sequence of users
val users = config.get[Seq[User]]("system.users")

// Or get just about any other type of collection
val listOfUsers  = config.get[List[User]]("system.users")
val setOfUsers   = config.get[Set[User]]("system.users")
val iterOfUsers  = config.get[Iterator[User]]("system.users")
val arrayOfUsers = config.get[Array[User]]("system.users")

Getting Optional Value from Config

If you want to get an optional value, little-config adds the getOption[T] method to Config.

val config = ConfigFactory.parseString("""user { id = 0,  name = root }""")

// Get user or not
val some = config.getOption[User]("user")
val none = config.getOption[User]("guest")

And, you can use the method with all of the standard types as well.

import java.time.{ Duration, Period }
import com.typesafe.config.ConfigMemorySize

val config = ConfigFactory.parseString("""
  { id = 500, enabled = false, storage = 2G, timeout = 10s }

// Get optional values
val id        = config.getOption[Int]("id")
val name      = config.getOption[String]("name")
val enabled   = config.getOption[Boolean]("enabled")
val key       = config.getOption[Long]("key")
val avgUsage  = config.getOption[Double]("avgUsage")
val timeout   = config.getOption[Duration]("timeout")
val retention = config.getOption[Period]("retention")
val storage   = config.getOption[ConfigMemorySize]("storage")

Or, if you rather provide a default value, there's a method for that too.

val config = ConfigFactory.parseString("""user { id = 0,  name = root }""")

// Get value or supplied default
val user      = config.getOrElse("user", User(500, "guest"))
val id        = config.getOrElse("id", 500)
val name      = config.getOrElse("name", "guest")
val enabled   = config.getOrElse("enabled", false)
val key       = config.getOrElse("key", 0L)
val avgUsage  = config.getOrElse("avgUsage", 0.0)
val timeout   = config.getOrElse("timeout", Duration.ofSeconds(10))
val retention = config.getOrElse("retention", Period.ofWeeks(1))
val storage   = config.getOrElse("storage", ConfigMemorySize.ofBytes(0))

Trying to Get Value from Config

The getTry[T] method is added to Config to work in much the same way as getting an optional value. It wraps the value in Success if the path is present and the value can be converted to the requested type; otherwise, a Failure is returned.

val config = ConfigFactory.parseString("""user { id = "Oops!",  name = root }""")

// Try to get user
val user = config.getTry[User]("user")

And like getOption[T], the method can be used with the standard types as well.

val config = ConfigFactory.parseString("""
  { id = 500, enabled = false, storage = 2G, timeout = 10s }

// Try to get values
val id        = config.getTry[Int]("id")
val name      = config.getTry[String]("name")
val enabled   = config.getTry[Boolean]("enabled")
val key       = config.getTry[Long]("key")
val avgUsage  = config.getTry[Double]("avgUsage")
val timeout   = config.getTry[Duration]("timeout")
val retention = config.getTry[Period]("retention")
val storage   = config.getTry[ConfigMemorySize]("storage")

Getting Java Enum Value from Config

To finish off, little-config provides an implementation of ConfigDelegate for getting Java enums. This gives you the power of the previous features discussed, such as getting a list of enums, getting an optional enum, getting an enum with a default value, and trying to get an enum.

import java.time.Month, Month.*

val config = ConfigFactory.parseString("""
  first = JANUARY
  summer = [JUNE, JULY, AUGUST]

val first    = config.get[Month]("first")
val summer   = config.get[List[Month]]("summer")
val last     = config.getOption[Month]("last")
val fall     = config.getOrElse("fall", Seq(SEPTEMBER, OCTOBER, NOVEMBER))
val vacation = config.getTry[Month]("vacation") // :(

API Documentation

See scaladoc for additional details.


little-config is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2. See LICENSE for more information.