lonelyplanet / scala-util   0.2.4

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A collection of Scala utilities

Scala versions: 2.11


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A collections of random Scala utilities

"com.lonelyplanet" %% "scala-util" % "0.2.2"

You might need to also add our repository:

resolvers ++= Seq(
  Resolver.bintrayRepo("lonelyplanet", "maven")

What's included:

URI Matches for scalatest

A simple matcher that provides more custom matching rules for URIs, for example: matching URIs without looking at the ordering of query parameters (which wouldn't work if you just compare Strings)


A logback filter that redirects ERROR and WARN logs to stderr and, TRACE, DEBUG, INFO are redirected to stdout


A simple wrapper that is used to send notifications about errors to Airbrake


A collection of utilities for converting Options


We use bintray-sbt plugin for publishing artifacts, to publish newer version of the library run:

sbt publish

That's all what is required