lolgab / snipy   0.0.2

Apache License 2.0 GitHub

Call python code from Scala Native!

Scala versions: 2.11
Scala Native versions: 0.3


This project was deprecated in favor of ScalaPy. Use ScalaPy instead.

Snipy is a bridge to call Python code from Scala Native. It interfaces directly with Python C Api without ffi at (almost) zero cost.

Getting Started

Add the following to your Scala Native Project:

import scala.sys.process._
nativeLinkingOptions ++= "python3-config --ldflags".!!.split(' ').filter(_.nonEmpty).map(_.trim).toSeq
libraryDependencies += "com.github.lolgab" %%% "snipy" % "0.0.2"

then you can call your first Python function :)

import snipy._         // import to enable snipy implicits
import snipy.dynamic._ // enables dynamic interface

object Main {
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = PyZone { implicit z =>
    // You need to wrap Python call in a PyZone
    // when zone block ends every PyObject is
    // no more usable
    val math = module("math")  // equals to python's "import math"
    val res = math.log10(2.0)  // calls dynamically the log10 function passing a Double converted to PyObject
    println(res)               // calls the "str" python function as toString.

Giter8 template

You can use the giter8 template to create an empty project:

sbt new lolgab/snipy.g8

How it works

The conversions are managed by two typeclasses:

trait AsPython[T, U <: PyObject] {
  def asPython(t: T)(implicit z: PyZone): U


trait AsScala[T <: PyObject, U] {
  def asScala(t: T): U

You can implement new instances to convert directly from a Python type to a Scala Type without using default types' provided instances.

Writing facades

You can define a hierarchy for python types this way:

object myfacade {
  private[myfacade] trait _Foo
  type Foo = PyObject with _Foo

  private[myfacade] trait _Bar
  type Bar = Foo with _Bar

This way you can say that Bar extends Foo.

You need to define a module. Not having a PyZone at facade site you can use the default leaking zone where Python objects are never freed:

val pythonLib = module("pythonLib")(PyZone.leakingZone)

now you can define a Scala function for every python function you need:

def pyFunction(foo: String): List[Int] = PyZone { implicit z =>  
  // You can define a local PyZone because you don't
  // need the intermediate Python Objects (result is a scala type)
  // the as method casts to a specific python type 
  // so .asScala can call the correct typeclass instance

Then for every class you have to define an implicit class:

implicit class MyPyObjectOps(val o: MyPyObject) extends AnyVal {
  def function(): Unit = PyZone { implicit z =>

Give a look to the facades folder for examples.