litegoio / litego-scala   0.5

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LiteGo REST API Scala Wrapper

Scala versions: 2.12


litego-scala is a wrapper over the Litego REST API. Litego API documentation can be found here

Libraries Used

  • circe for JSON (circe provides compile time macros for reading/writing JSON from/to scala case classes). It also provides a very powerful API for validating/querying JSON
  • akka-http for making HTTP requests
  • akka-stream-json for streaming JSON

litego-scala was intentionally designed to use bare minimum external dependencies so its easier to integrate with scala codebases


Litego-scala available through a Maven repository. Get started by putting this into your build.sbt file.

libraryDependencies += "io.litego" %% "litego-scala" % "0.5"


First you need to choose API endpoint:

import io.litego.api.{Config, Endpoint}

implicit val endpoint: Endpoint = Config.testnetEndpoint

Endpoints for mainnet and testnet are stored in the io.litego.api.Config

Also, library methods require an implicit materializer, executionContext and HttpExt client

import akka.http.scaladsl.{Http, HttpExt}
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContextExecutor

implicit val system: ActorSystem = ActorSystem("my-system")
implicit val materializer: ActorMaterializer = ActorMaterializer()
implicit val executionContext: ExecutionContextExecutor = system.dispatcher

implicit val client: HttpExt = Http()

Now you will be able to call API methods.

litego-scala provides handle function which provides the typical way of dealing with errors. It will attempt to retry the original request for errors which are deemed to be network related errors, else it will return a failed Future. If it fails due to going over the retry limit, handle will also return a failed Future with MaxNumberOfRetries

After registration on and getting secret key and merchant ID values try to authenticate (get auth token for other requests) Two ways how to get auth token:

  • secret key and merchant ID
  • refresh token (if exists).
import java.util.UUID
import io.litego.api.v1.{Merchants, handle}
import scala.concurrent.Future

val authenticateRequest: Merchants.AuthenticateRequest = Merchants.AuthenticateRequest(Some(UUID.fromString("YOUR_MERCHANT_ID")), "YOUR_SECRET_KEY")
val authenticateResponse: Future[Merchants.AuthenticateResponse] = handle(Merchants.authenticate(authenticateRequest))


import io.litego.api.v1.{Merchants, handle}
import io.litego.api.RefreshToken
import scala.concurrent.Future

implicit val refreshToken: RefreshToken = RefreshToken("YOUR_REFRESH_TOKEN")

val refreshAuthTokenResponse: Future[Merchants.RefreshAuthTokenResponse] = handle(Merchants.refreshAuthToken())

You will get auth token and refresh token values. Auth token will be used then for other API requests. Refresh token should be saved for reauthentication when auth token is expired.

  • Create charge
import io.litego.api.v1.{Charges, handle}
import io.litego.api.AuthToken
import scala.concurrent.Future

// Every API method (except authenticate()) requires implicit token in scope 
implicit val authToken: AuthToken = AuthToken("YOUR_AUTH_TOKEN")

val createChargeRequest: Charges.CreateChargeRequest = Charges.CreateChargeRequest("Some description", Some(1000L))
val crateChargeResponse: Future[Charges.Charge] = handle(Charges.create(createChargeRequest))
  • Charges list
val chargesListRequest = Charges.ChargesListRequest(paid = Some(true), page = Some(0), pageSize = Some(10), startDate = Some(1532864303), endDate = Some(1564400346), sortBy = Some("amount"), ascending = Some(true))
val chargesListResponse: Future[Charges.ChargesList] = handle(Charges.chargesList(chargesListRequest))
  • Get charge
val getChargeRequest = Charges.GetChargeRequest(Some(UUID.fromString("e7129f40-dc28-11e8-9ede-2d69f348ade2")))
val getChargeResponse: Future[Charges.Charge] = handle(Charges.getCharge(getChargeRequest))
  • Validate lightning invoice
val validateResponse: Future[Charges.ValidateLightningInvoiceResponse] = handle(Charges.validateLightningInvoice(ValidateLightningInvoiceRequest("lightning_payment_request", 1000L)))
  • Get information about authenticated merchant
val getInfoResponse: Future[Merchants.MerchantInfo] = handle(Merchants.getInfo())
  • Set withdrawal address
val setAddressResponse: Future[Withdrawals.WithdrawalAddress] = handle(
      Withdrawals.setWithdrawalAddress(Withdrawals.SetWithdrawalAddressRequest(`type` = Withdrawals.REGULAR_ADDRESS_TYPE, value = "some_address"))
  • Get withdrawal settings
val withdrawalSettings: Future[Withdrawals.WithdrawalSettings] = handle(Withdrawals.withdrawalSettings())
  • Request manual withdrawal
val withdrawalResponse: Future[Withdrawals.WithdrawalTransaction] = handle(Withdrawals.manualWithdrawal())
  • Request withdrawal to lightning invoice
val withdrawalResponse: Future[Withdrawals.WithdrawalTransaction] = handle(Withdrawals.lightningInvoiceWithdrawal(LightningWithdrawalRequest("lightning_payment_request", Some(1000L))))
  • Request withdrawal to lightning channel
val withdrawalResponse: Future[Withdrawals.WithdrawalTransaction] = handle(Withdrawals.lightningChannelWithdrawal(LightningChannelWithdrawalRequest("03b882dcd309adaf4d66d1aadfbc6e85764bd65c6bdaf03689c55f1abd13f53fc5", "", Some(100000L))))
  • Withdrawals list
val withdrawalsListResponse: Future[Withdrawals.WithdrawalsList] = handle(Withdrawals.withdrawalsList(Withdrawals.WithdrawalsListRequest()))
  • Set webhook URL
val setWebhookResponse: Future[Merchants.NotificationUrl] = handle(Merchants.setNotificationUrl(Merchants.SetNotificationUrlRequest(url = "http://some.url")))
  • List responses from webhook
val webhookResponsesList: Future[Merchants.NotificationResponsesList] = handle(Merchants.notificationResponsesList())
  • List referral payments
val referralPaymentsList: Future[Merchants.ReferralPaymentsList] = handle(Merchants.referralPaymentsList())

Websocket subscriptions

You can subscribe to topics with payments of all your charges or a single charge by it's ID

The Flow that is passed to this methods must emit exactly one Done element for each element that it receives. It must also emit them in the same order that the elements were received. This means that you must not use methods such as filter or collect on the Flow which would drop elements.

  • Subscribe for payments
val subscription: Future[Done] = Charges.subscribePayments(Flow[Charges.InvoiceSettled].map { message =>
  • Subscribe for payment of single charge
val subscription: Future[Done] = Charges.subscribePayment(UUID.fromString("2f551fc0-1faa-11e9-90e2-df42b3b425c0"), Flow[Charges.InvoiceSettled].map { message =>

BTC Wallet API

  • Generate address
val address: Future[Wallet.BitcoinAddress] = handle(BitcoinWallet.generateAddress())
  • Get balance
val balance: Future[Wallet.BtcBalance] = handle(BitcoinWallet.getBalance())
  • Transfers list
val transfers: Future[Wallet.BtcTransfersList] = handle(BitcoinWallet.getTransfersList(Wallet.BtcTransfersListRequest()))
  • Get transfer
val transfer: Future[Wallet.BtcTransfer] = handle(BitcoinWallet.getTransfer(Wallet.TransferRequest(Some(UUID.fromString("3c789c03-e5fd-3d64-8272-763b7325bd3b")))))
  • Send coins
val sendCoinsResponse: Future[Wallet.SendBtcResponse] = handle(BitcoinWallet.sendCoins(Wallet.SendBtcRequest("mprD9vYaWUje3J16UMHevuwjirQ1aYU4RV", 1000L, Some("Some comment"))))
  • Send many
val sendManyRequest = Wallet.SendManyBtcRequest(
      Wallet.SendBtcRequest("mprD9vYaWUje3J16UMHevuwjirQ1aYU4RV", 1000L),
      Wallet.SendBtcRequest("mwuxu2phV1XnRjzeYaq2A1euTnLYmQj4PX", 1100L),
      Wallet.SendBtcRequest("mme2c4STSQKpBUzVfNaKipPhaNsaiBKKJ6", 1200L)
    Some("Some comment")
  val sendManyResponse: Future[Wallet.SendManyBtcResponse] = handle(BitcoinWallet.sendMany(sendManyRequest))
  • Subscribe for incoming transfers
  val subscription: Future[Done] = BitcoinWallet.subscribeTransfers(Flow[Wallet.BtcTransferReceived].map { message =>

EOS Wallet API

  • Generate address
val address: Future[Wallet.EosAddress] = handle(EosWallet.generateAddress())
  • Get balance
val balance: Future[Wallet.EosBalance] = handle(EosWallet.getBalance())
  • Transfers list
val transfers: Future[Wallet.EosTransfersList] = handle(EosWallet.getTransfersList(Wallet.EosTransfersListRequest()))
  • Get transfer
val transfer: Future[Wallet.EosTransfer] = handle(EosWallet.getTransfer(Wallet.TransferRequest(Some(UUID.fromString("8aa76a1c-c43a-382e-b3f0-001382a9fba2")))))
  • Send coins
val sendCoinsResponse: Future[Wallet.SendEosResponse] = handle(EosWallet.sendCoins(Wallet.SendEosRequest("eos_account", 0.0001, Some("Some memo"))))
  • Subscribe for incoming transfers
  val subscription: Future[Done] = EosWallet.subscribeTransfers(Flow[Wallet.EosTransferReceived].map { message =>