limansky / lift-salatauth   1.2

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Lift authorization module based on Salat

Scala versions: 2.11 2.10

Lift SalatAuth module

Authentication and authorization module for Lift web framework based on Salat library. This project inspired by lift-mongoauth module. The goal is to avoid using different ORMs in project using Salat.


The module is available in Sonatype repository. So, if you using sbt just add it to libraryDependencies.

For Lift 3.0.x lift-salatauth suports only Scala 2.11 (Scala 2.12 is not available yet, because there is not Salat for Scala 2.12):

"net.liftmodules" %% "salatauth_3.0" % "1.2"

For Lift 2.6.x it supports Scala 2.10 and 2.11:

"net.liftmodules" %% "salatauth_2.6" % "1.2"

For Lift 2.5.x use lift-salatauth 1.1 which supports Scala 2.10 and 2.9.2:

"net.liftmodules" %% "salatauth_2.5" % "1.1"

Or you can use current snapshot version: Build Status

"net.liftmodules" %% "salatauth_2.6" % "1.3-SNAPSHOT"


Lift SalatAuth provides several base classes and default implementations for them. You should choose if you want to implement them yourself or use default implementation.

User entity

The user entity can be implemented as a case class extending ProtoUser.

case class User(
  val _id: ObjectId,
  override val username: String,
  override val password: String,
  val realName: String,
  override val email: String,
  override val roles: Set[String]
) extends ProtoUser(username, password, email, roles)

The ProtoUser class uses your roles collection to set permissions properly. To make it work you have to set the collection during your application initialization:

class Boot {
  def boot() {

If the default field set of ProtoUser is enough for you you can not define your own user class, but use SimpleUser instead.

Permissions model

Each user has a list of roles defined as strings. However role itself is a case class. The role name is an _id for a role. As it was described you need to set roles collection in boot to allow roles works properly. Roles contains a list of Permissions. Permissions are defined as a triplets of domain, action and entity.

val adminRole = Role("admin", "", List(Permission.All))
val userRole = Role("user", "", List(Permission("Messages"), Permission("Reports", "view"), Permission("Reports", "print"), Permission("Profile", "view")))

val user = SimpleUser("admin", ProtoUser.hashPassword("secret"), "[email protected]", Set("admin"))


Login manager is a core object of SalatAuth module. You can use SimpleLoginManager with SimpleUsers or implement your own one for custom entities. If you use "Simple" solution than you must define a collection in Boot:


Else, you need to define your LoginManager to find users in MongoDB:

object MyLoginManager extends LoginManager[MyUser, ObjectId] {
  override def findUserById(id: ObjectId): Option[MyUser] = {

  override def getUserId(user: MyUser): ObjectId = user._id

Now, when you have a LoginManager instance you must set it in Boot (SimpleLoginManager is the default setting):


Defining SiteMap

There are several methods defined in trait Locs helps you to set required permissions on the entries in site map. Here is the example:

import net.liftmodules.salatauth.Locs._

def siteMap() = SiteMap(
  Menu.i("index") / "index" >> Hidden,
  Menu.i("messages") / "messages" >> RequireLoggedIn,
  Menu.i("users") / "users" >> HasRole("admin"),
  Menu.i("reports") / "reports" >> HasPermission("Reports" : "view")
  buildLogin("login", Hidden :: Nil),
  buildLogout("logout", Nil)

In this example user has to be logged in for all pages except index, but to see users he must have "admin" role, and to see the reports he must have corresponding permission.

Session handling

Session support was added in 1.1. This feature allows you to add "remember me" functionality. To do it you need to setup cookie settings you your Boot.scala, and add session check hook:


Now you can pass additional parameter to LoginManager.logUserIn function to set if user was authenticated and shall the login cookie be created.

In addition you can check if the user was authenticated using RequireAuthenticated parameter in your site map.