lightbend / sbt-publish-rsync   0.3


An sbt plugin that adds rsync capabilities to your project

Scala versions: 2.12
sbt plugins: 1.0


An sbt plugin that adds rsync capabilities to your project.


addSbtPlugin("com.lightbend.sbt" % "sbt-publish-rsync" % "<latest>")

Enable the plugin in your project build.sbt file:


Configure the directory to be deployed, directory on the remote server, and remote server address:

publishRsyncArtifacts += ((Compile / doc).value, "relative/to/home/remote/directory")
publishRsyncHost := ""

To publish run the publishRsync sbt task.


The license is Apache 2.0, see LICENSE.

Maintenance notes

This project is NOT supported under the Lightbend subscription.

The project is maintained mostly by the members of the @akka-team.

Feel free to ping above maintainers for code review or discussions. Pull requests are very welcome–thanks in advance!