libraryDependencies += "de.lhns" %% "fs2-functork" % "0.2.4"
libraryDependencies += "de.lhns" %% "fs2-functork-doobie" % "0.2.4"
import cats.effect.Async
import cats.tagless._
import de.lhns.fs2.functork._
import de.lhns.fs2.functork.doobie.transactK
import doobie._
import doobie.implicits._
import fs2.Stream
trait Repo[F[_]] {
def get(id: Long): F[Option[String]]
def stream: Stream[F, (Long, String)]
object Repo {
implicit val functorK: FunctorK[Repo] = Derive.functorK
val impl: Repo[ConnectionIO] = new Repo[ConnectionIO] {
override def get(id: Long): F[Option[String]] =
sql"select value from table where id = $id"
override def stream: Stream[F, (Long, String)] =
sql"select id, value from table"
.query[(Long, String)]
object Main {
def repo[F[_] : Async](xa: Transactor[F]): Repo[F] = {
val transact = transactK(xa)
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