Defines interface for pluggable lenses alert services integration, along with some officially supported implementations.
- defines the API for an alerts plugin
- defines an implementation for Slack integration
- defines an implementation for Prometheus Alertmanager
- defines an implementation for CloudWatch Events
All modules are published to Maven central. In addition, standalone JARs of each of plugin integration are available to download from Github releases, ready to drop straight into a Lenses installation.
This project uses sbt. To compile and run the tests execute
sbt +test
Initial setup:
- create
with Sonatype account information:
credentials += Credentials("Sonatype Nexus Repository Manager",
- create
, with an OAuth token created as per these instructions:
Create and publish the release:
- tag the release:
git tag vX.Y.Z
git push origin vX.Y.Z
- publish libraries to nexus
sbt +publishSigned sonatypeRelease
- publish standalone jars to github
sbt +assembly githubRelease