This is a library that enables context-aware logging. It comes in handy when e.g. your application handles multiple requests at the same time, and you want to be able to see from each log entry to which request it belongs. It uses SLF4J to abstract from the actual logging backend.
By default, it adds the runtime from the start of the trace, as well as the trace-id to the log entry. Example:
21:09:30.123 INFO com.rocketscience.Main.log - preparing start of the rocket 90c0c9a8-55da-403e-8ffc-d39d1c4a9190/10ms
21:09:30.460 INFO com.rocketscience.Main.log - liftoff! 90c0c9a8-55da-403e-8ffc-d39d1c4a9190/750ms
21:09:30.517 INFO com.rocketscience.Main.log - problems with the rocket motor 90c0c9a8-55da-403e-8ffc-d39d1c4a9190/807ms
21:09:30.518 INFO com.rocketscience.Main.log - vibrations 90c0c9a8-55da-403e-8ffc-d39d1c4a9190/808ms
21:09:30.560 INFO com.rocketscience.Main.log - BOOM! 90c0c9a8-55da-403e-8ffc-d39d1c4a9190/820ms
It is just an ID that identifies anything that you consider a "trace". By default, UUIDs are used, but
you can create your own Context
that includes another type, if you want to. A good example of a trace
is an incoming request, and I'd recommend to pass a trace id around as a header when starting HTTP requests.
Add this to your build.sbt
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"de.lenabrueder" % "context-aware-logging" % "0.2",
"de.lenabrueder" % "context-aware-logging-play" % "2.6.0", //only if you want play framework support
"ch.qos.logback" % "logback-classic" % "1.2.1"
Generate a new logger for your class:
import de.lenabrueder.logging._
object Main {
val log = Logger() //automatically knows the name of the logger from the surrounding class and variable name
val specialLog = Logger() //you can address this logger in the config as "de.lenabrueder.logging.Main.specialLog" in your config
def main(args:String*): Unit = {
implicit val context:Context = JobContext("my fancy job")"this is just a test")"this is another test")
def process(data:String)(implicit context:Context):String = {"will replace all the poo with unicorns!")
data.replaceAll("💩", "🦄")
might output
21:52:47 INFO de.lenabrueder.logging.Main.log - this is just a test name=my fancy job 8441f0a9-3d7c-42a9-91e5-5a66523c3f6c/2ms
21:52:47 INFO de.lenabrueder.logging.Main.specialLog - this is another test name=my fancy job 8441f0a9-3d7c-42a9-91e5-5a66523c3f6c/2ms
21:52:47 INFO de.lenabrueder.logging.Main.log - will replace all the poo with unicorns! name=my fancy job 8441f0a9-3d7c-42a9-91e5-5a66523c3f6c/3ms
But you can easily create your own context types, JobContext
simply is the only default one.
import de.lenabrueder.logging._
object Main {
val log = Logger("my-special-logger") //give it a special name if you want to
case class MyRequestContext(headers: Seq[(String, String)]) extends DefaultContextSettings {
override def toMap: Map[String, String] =
super.toMap.updated("headers", { case (k, v) => s"$k=$v" }.mkString(","))
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
implicit val context: Context = MyRequestContext(Seq("Host" -> "", "Content-Length" -> "123"))"bad example, who wants all headers in every log entry?")
leads to
21:58:40 INFO my-special-logger - bad example, who wants all headers in every log entry?,Content-Length=123 27b48f15-006f-40e5-be60-4b8285d17b84/3ms
You need to import de.lenabrueder.logging.ImplicitConversions._
and can then implicit val context: Context = request
in your Action.
This will automatically create an implicit context from the incoming request.
package controllers
import javax.inject.{Inject, Singleton}
import de.lenabrueder.logging._
import de.lenabrueder.logging.ImplicitConversions._
import play.api.mvc._
import scala.concurrent.Future
class HomeController @Inject()(cc: ControllerComponents) extends AbstractController(cc) {
val log = Logger()
def index = Action.async(parse.anyContent) {implicit request =>
implicit val context: Context = request"yay, logging!")
Future.successful(Ok(views.html.index(s"Hello $user")))
The version of the play support will follow the play versioning scheme in major and minor version. Patch version is up to the lib itself.
- write better docs
- more testing (see point before this one)
- make travis build it
- make the output configurable
- add possibility to put the map on the thread MDC just before the log writing to allow customization via logger configuration