laughedelic / sbt-notifications   0.1.0


📯Get system notifications when sbt tasks finish


A simple sbt-1.x plugin that sends native OS notifications when tests are completed. Uses Toast notifications on Windows (tested on Windows 10), Notification Center on Mac OS X (tested on Mac OS X Yosemite) and libnotify on Linux (requires libnotify-bin package, tested on Ubuntu with Gnome).

NOTE: This is a fork. Original repository is


Add the following to ./project/plugins.sbt:

addSbtPlugin("laughedelic" % "sbt-notifications" % "0.1.0")

Test runs notifications

By default you will get notifications on test runs: when they fail and when they pass. To receive notifications only when tests failed use

notifyFailureOnly := true

in build definition. Here's an example:

screen shot 2017-10-26 at 11 48 47

Tasks completion notifications

You can also configure the plugin to get notified on completion of a particular task. For example:

notifyOn(compile in Compile)

screen shot 2017-10-22 at 05 22 23


notifyOn(compile in Test)

screen shot 2017-10-22 at 05 22 08