koofr / driveby   0.1.2

MIT License GitHub

Scala client for Microsoft OneDrive

Scala versions: 2.10


This is a Scala SDK for accessing Microsoft OneDrive.

Add to your SBT build with

libraryDependencies += "net.koofr" %% "driveby" % "0.1.2"


You need a Microsoft developer account and a created application.

Create an instance of WebAuth passing in your settings and send your user off to url given by WebAuth#start.

After OAuth cycle is complete pass in the destination url through WebAuth#finish. This will give you an instance of UserAuth containing tokens and expiration time. You should save this data and use it to build an AuthConfig. Using this AuthConfig instance you can create a client that exposes OneDrive API for the authenticated user.

OneDrive does not identify files and folders by paths but uses some identifiers. This shows in the methods of Client. In order to work with paths use Client#resolvePath to resolve a path into a usable id.